Those who should come forward to do good are retained by fear. And reading such things gave me pause, because how could these events happen if the Second Coming immediately follows the Three Days of Darkness? If Jesus is full of Mercy why would He, or God the Father, allow Satans army to continue and inflict terror on My children? Thank you for sharing the timeline on the new Countdown To The Kingdom website. Although the person was told by God that Donald Trump would become president, God provided him an alternative vision of what would happen if Joe Biden became president. YOUR BELOVED SAVIOUR One of the Two Witnesses of Revelation is the prophesied Catholic priest-son (holy father) who will die as a martyr according to the Third Secret of Fatima. Much prayer is needed for them, because God and Our Lady will expect them to testify about their experiences to the rest of the world and the Catholic Church so the Great Chastisement can ultimately be avoided by mankind. Reject the lies to which you have paid allegiance, or suffer the consequences. You were smiling and with bright eyes as usual, even if you were seriously ill at the time. Part of this preparation involves spiritually praying for the poor souls in purgatory to finally enter Heaven. Without your prayers their sins will cause havoc in a world, which will have been recouped during its new purification. Also, one of the men, will be a very holy priest-son who is fully dedicated to Our Holy Mother, Mary, under Her titles, Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of the Rosary., Jesus Christ To the nations of the world You are being given 2 visions of the future of the earth The kingdom of the Divine Will of my Father, or the kingdom of Satan, After the events of Jerusalem and the unifying of the Church with Israel, I will call all the nations into the Valley of Decision. Many good things will evolve as a result of The Warning. You and your husband have given over your futures to follow Me and have willingly given up everything to do the mission given to you from all time. I love you all very much. The Consecration of Russia is the necessary first step in a sequence of events that will lead up to the conditional Great Chastisement of Garabandal being averted by mankind on earth. The actual Warning date is potentially in flux, because satan is trying to implement the mark of the beast as soon as possible by way of mandatory vaccinations through fear of the coronavirus and vaccine passports. around every world leader or head of government in the world. And I read how the small seed of faith left by the Fatima Pope (Two Witnesses) in Jerusalem would blossom in the world; that millions of shepherds from all walks of life would rise upa gift from Our Ladys Immaculate Heartall of whom I believe would have their spiritual formation in the refuges and protected safe havens around the world. Also, in regards to Pope Francis, how the Catholic Church needs to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as well as other necessary steps to usher in the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our Lady has also stated in the Locutions, that the tragedy of the annihilation of nations, is that such a world war catches the lives of so many people off-guard without adequate preparation for the moment of death and final reconciliation with God. These blocks of time equal 1,000 years each and correspond to days of the week. In addition, it was shared with me that the Fatima Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Catholic Church is necessary by God to mitigate the Great Chastisement. For Jakov who received his 10th secret on September 12, 1998, it is on Christmas day each year. However, I was only told about the relationship between Fatima, Garabandal, and Medjugorje I was not given knowledge of the exact nature of the Third Secret of Medjugorje. It is, therefore, far easier for My Church to support those messages, which include extracts from the Holy Bible, to declare these to be authentic. So, taking that into account, I hope that readers of this commentary will give me the benefit of the doubt. This punishment, which will be brought about by the Hand of Divine Justice, through My Eternal Father, is not desirable. Will you help Me? However, I want to take a moment to write this short commentary, to give you, my beloved blog followers, something to ponder about for fruitful consideration. You must not keep trying to establish the date for The Warning. The fact that there are less Holy Masses and many people have stopped attending, are really hurting the possibility of salvation for many dying souls right now; and I know for myself, Heaven has been having me pray a lot more than ordinary, to pick up the slack of so many unsaid Masses. I hear only silence. Peace, dear children, only peace! The soil will be open and receptive again to the original seed. Now, what most people do not realize is that God did not put much of His Divine Plan to counter the description of satans Apocalypse in Sacred Scriptures. Now, I have written about this before, but this is very important so it bears repeating by me. Links to various supporting heavenly messages and previous special commentaries by me that serve as a chronology of thought on this matter of the conditional Great Chastisement and the unfolding of the Divine Plan. In conclusion, I want to share in this commentary for those who do not already follow the blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, that the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will be taking place very shortly in the world. Henceforth, the couple was considered legally to be married, but without sexual union yet. Then came the saddest time of all. Have you brought your sins to Me for forgiveness and in the Sacrament? At that point, then hell will be forever locked up and those good souls aligned with the Lord will enter into Gods Eternal Rest in the 8th Day of Creation, the Day of the Resurrection, which will last for eternity. Meanwhile, I am grateful to God for the blessing and His unfathomable Love; and I am thankful that I can help others through these writings. Also, recently, I found out that Russian leader, Mr. Vladimir Putin, was a freemason when he was a KGB spy. No Science nor astronomers, no one can say that it is a planet or a star. Even if it is just one Hail Mary prayer, your one act of compassionate towards me has literally changed my life. This is because people tend to be still confused about this, the sequence of events. For when it happens, spectacular though it will be visually in the sky, so quiet will this mystical experience be, that you will be more prepared for this silent encounter with your own conscience. At that time, I also received the eighth secret. I am so grateful for each person who follows my blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, because each of you encourage me so much to write as I think things out. My dearest daughter, you must always trust in Me and know that not one single Message given to you will ever be contaminated. Mirjana DragicevicMirjana in 1982 when she received the tenth secret that ended her daily appearances. The period between the Warning and the Miracle of Garabandal will be critical to the future of mankind, as the six Medjugorje visionaries and Conchita of Garabandal will be testifying on the Great Chastisement (Tenth Secret of Medjugorje), which they will have witnessed during the Warning. If Trump is re-elected, there is a possibility of the Warning being pushed further ahead into the Fall Season 2021. Then they will sing the Te Deum Laudamus with the most lively gratitude and love. at Medjugorje and Holy Love Ministries (Maranatha Spring and Shrine), How To Do A Ghost Release - By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Here is Your Invitation To Explore the New Website for Visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, GOD will Heal People who took the Covid-19 vaccines, God Reveals The Truth (includes scientific evidence) All Covid-19 vaccines are DEADLY POISONS that are the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast, Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal Compiled By a soul, Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Recipe), The movie, Garabandal, Only God Knows, online free of charge beginning on May 31, 2020, Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, International Abortion Healing Programs (47 countries), Rachel's Vineyard Healing After Abortion, Silent No More Awareness Resources for Help After Abortion (U.S.), Catholics Come Home (English main website), Catholics Come Home (English Young Adult), Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ (USA), Dolorous (Sorrowful) Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Anne Catherine Emmerich, Holy Love Ministry Heavenly Messages in 90 Languages, Love and Mystic Catalina Rivas, Madeleine Aumont of the Glorious Cross of Dozule, Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages in 90 Languages, Shepherds of Christ Ministries Portuguese, The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, World Apostolate of Precious Blood of Jesus Christ (Nigeria), Catholic Saints, Martyrs and Doctors of the Church, CatholiCity The Catholic Church Simplified, Eternal Word Television Network Document Library, St. Michael the Archangel Religious Books & Gifts, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology (Dr. Scott Hahn), The Rosary Center The Rosary Confraternity, Eternal Word Television Network Mobile Streaming App, Eternal Word Television Network Radio Facebook, Eternal Word Television Network Radio Affiliates, Eternal Word Television Network SiriusXM Satellite Radio, Channel 130, Eternal Word Television Network Global Catholic Radio Shortwave, Eternal Word Television Network Nightly News Videos Online, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube English, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube German, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube Spanish, Eternal Word Television Network Global News, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, February 19, 2023 - Message from God the Father to mystic, Lorena - Spiritual Exercise and Prayers of Protection, Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria - "In the midst of famine, My Legions will bring humanity the food that satisfies hunger. Every single soul on Earth will shortly witness the signs of the Illumination of Conscience. Then, once the antichrist sits on the chair of Saint Peter, that day will begin the 1,260 days (42 months) countdown of the Apocalypse and the antichrists reign of terror over mankind. In private revelation, it has been revealed that Our Blessed Mother is also known as the Mystical City of God and the principal Holy Tabernacle of the New Jerusalem. So, this gave me some thoughts to think about. This means that if The Warning happens earlier than February 2022 (my best-educated guess), that Papa God might give visionary, Conchita, a NEW DATE for the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal so it will no longer take place in the Springtime. Do you love Me, My little lamb? But, Jesus had pity on me, so on September 19th, the Feast Day of Our Lady of La Salette, Jesus privately told me that Papa God had set the new date for The Warning as Tuesday, December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There will be no industry, no skyscrapers, no organized employment. In particular, the lack of faith among the popes and the bishops of the Church to believe the words of Our Lady. This will lead to him being enthroned as the one world leader and head of the Catholic Church. This is because I have a bit of time before The Warning actually happens, so I decided to work on a third book that will also be given for free to everyone in the world by prayer to God at the same time as the other books. This work, though only a small part of the greater whole, is important in bringing about My Kingdom. Thus, I knew that writing my Appeal to Pope Francis had pleased God and I knew that the special prayer efforts that previous weekend at Holy Love had protected me from satan so I could do this work on behalf of Heaven. For if this date were to be made public, people would be tempted to seek redemption out of a sense of false humility. I want to give an overall framework as to the events leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus. There are many prepared and in the process of being prepared all over the world. I saw an old man and a teenage girl disappear and their souls go under the altar, meaning they were martyred defending priests, the Holy Sacrifice of the mass, and the Eucharist. Our Lady gave him the tenth secret, which she promised would end his daily visions. This is so but not in the ways currently experienced in the world today. Now they stand as distinct groups. The city will already have suffered much and Israel will begin to despair, wondering what can be done. (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:10345542572284774,size:[0,0],id:"ld-834-2854"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Im very overwhelmed with everything & I believe & I feel it in my heart, pray for me that I also can be able to convert & pray for the Conversion of the world, especially the youth? Preparation for the Sign to come from Heaven Yes, I am aware of it and I know that much of it is based on a flawed interpretation of the Book of Revelation. Now, let me finally address the question of a fellow blog follower. So, please know, satan and all of hell were aggressively attacking me both during and afterwards as I discerned these insights from St. Gabriel. I have brought the three of you together for this important work. Therefore, all will anticipate a great event, but they will not know the time, the hour or the date., Blessed Virgin Mary A Grave Message 85% of the world population is on the pathway to hell Anyways, I am more freely sharing now about the special project the existence of the book, because my task is fully completed. These times are linked as all time in history is, but will be known as distinct times from mankinds perspective. The only reason that I had the the date of December 8th told to me by Jesus is because satan was moving his evil agenda forward in time and so, I had to finish the book a lot sooner than first anticipated. At Garabandal and later at Medjugorje, the Virgin Mary appeared to a group of children and gave them secrets about the future. Within the heavenly messages, are several instructions on how to further prepare for the forthcoming Warning (Illumination of Conscience) and refuges, etc. But, as I looked for answers, I kept coming across phrases and messages that did not make immediate sense. All will be renewed. After the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) takes place, all six visionaries of Medjugorje and visionary, Conchita, of Garabandal, are expected by God and Our Lady to testify to all of mankind, and in particular, to Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI, and the Catholic Church, about their personal experience involving the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje (Great Chastisement of Garabandal). Otherwise, I would be a hypocrite and well, I would be responsible to Our Lord for leading souls astray from Him. Da Paolo Tessione - April 30, 2020. . The Pope will enter Jerusalem like I entered it. Then, in 1929, Our Lord and Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucy in her convent to let her know that the pope now needed to do the consecration of Russia. Also, the fact that when the contents and dates of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje begin to be fulfilled will be too late for many people is also true, because after the Miracle of Garabandal happens, mankind will be subject to the Divine Justice of God for not repenting for its sins as revealed during the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning). When this takes place, the Hand of My intervention will turn the world on its axis. Pray, too, for an easy transition to the New Paradise on Earth, which awaits all My children who seek redemption. Note, both the existence of the 144,000 Firstfruits and the Sign of Garabandal on earth, are meant to be a great inspiration for the rest of mankind, in order for people to be encouraged to persevere during the Great Tribulation. 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