Yeah, I believe in it, he said. Her disobedience incurred the wrath of her father Daniel, who took her to a family ranch near the Idaho border and savagely beat her. Tucker is another of Ortells many sons, though not from the favored wife, LaDonna. A scrappy white wooden fence runs the length of it along Canyon Street. If male, some of these same 'worker bees' marry only once. Chinese people were called stupid, and Mexicans were dirty, said Lu Ann, adding, because of their skin.. This is all compounded by the split between the FLDS and an offshoot group of polygamists that moved to nearby Centennial Park following a disagreement over how the community should be governed, and by whom). . _____. 129-30, ("Is Homosexuality or Monogamy the Ruin of Civilization?," at: The 43-year-old Kingston took the witness stand for the prosecution about 2:40 p.m. and is expected to answer questions through Thursday. and several polygamist men serve in local government positions, including as mayors . He believed he had superior bloodlines.' "Intermarriage among close relatives is producing children who have two copies of a recessive gene for a debilitating condition called fumarase deficiency. The FLDS believe they are practicing the one true religion as Prophet Joseph Smith intended it to be. Former clan prophet John Ortell Kingston, who died in 1987, paid the Medicaid bills for a child born with severe birth defects after Utah investigators linked the wealthy father of more than 65 children to the baby. 'I know this off the top of my head," Wyler says. One of the most devastating hereditary malformations is fumarase deficiency, a rare genetic condition marked by severe mental retardation and seizures. The adult residents of Short Creek todayboth those still in the FLDS and those who have left the cultare mostly able-bodied, seemingly healthy individuals. The familys dedication to the principle of polygamy already had been established by Kingstons father, who had three wives. In order to maintain his familys superior bloodlines, Ortell married and had children with two of his half-sisters and two nieces. The lot is unmarked and unremarkable.,,, . Blood tests showed the infant and 25 other children from numerous women were fathered by the same man, leading to one of the largest welfare fraud-settlements in Utah history. Modern interpretations of this passage vary, but The Order apparently takes quite literally this idea of blackness being a sign of iniquity. "There is no cure for the disease, which impedes the body's ability to process food at the cellular level. "Rather than polygamy being about religion, Moore-Emmett believes that many polygamous marriages are about sex and power. it is the only popular religion there,", -The Prophet Brigham Young, "Deseret News," 6 August 1862, "This law of monogamy, or the monogamic system, laid the foundation for prostitution and the evils and diseases of the most revolting nature and character under which modern Christendom groans, . 'Right away I asked the parents if there were any other children with the same problem.' One such. "Now 16, Rugg's sister was married to and subsequently left one of her half-brother's sons. "Did this practice affect my family and other Mormon pioneer families adversely, possibly even in other momentous ways? . "Medical experts say the incidence of the disorder will increase because the FLDS community is refusing to accept recommendations to reduce the likelihood of producing babies with fumarase deficiency. . Moore-Emmett suggests that the heavily Mormon Utah government is unduly tolerant of polygamy and reluctant to acknowledge the abuses of many polygamous families. Dawna Black Bistline (Alyssa Bistline's father's brother's wife) has seen firsthand how the children of cousins suffer. . . [in order] to reduce competition for wives. lifted the covers on the many crimes committed in polygamy, . . Spokesmen for both the U.S. State Department and for Picatinny Arsenal could neither verify nor deny Youngs claims. "The discoveries and research within my own kindred so alarmed me that I studied other descendants of polygamy to see if their families also suffered from crippling illnesses. . Re: Polygamy's Patriarchy-Poisoned Bloodline: The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Joseph Smith's "Divine" Breeding Program of Mormon Mutation . . If these couples are . Jonathan Turner, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Riverside, hypothesized exactly that, in an article published by the ABC news network in 2008. The teacher was like, You can never get that out, that is always there now, recalled Jessica, now 29. '", (John Dougherty, "Forbidden Fruit: Inbreeding Among Polygamists Along the Arizona-Utah Border is Producing a Caste of Severely Retarded and Deformed Children," in "Phoenix New Times," 29 December 2005, at: . If you find a grave up there that's not marked, that's the way Fred wanted it.". Asked about these legends, Kingston spokesman Kent Johnson, explained via email that on occasion Order families have asked to spread the ashes of a child lost before or after birth at the Holy Spot. . the FLDS has the highest known rate of a rare genetic disorder called "fumarase deficiency" that causes severe birth defects. Tarby. Certainly if MORmON Jesus had done this, we would hear all about it from the LDS as *proof* that God was doing his modern work via MORmONISM, but alas there is no such manifestation ! Then, while still a young man, [my cousin] died of nephritis, the fatal family inheritance. This is why those laws need to be enforced. The quick answer for why this polygamous community has buried so many of its children is inbreeding, according to community members. . Carolyn Yvonne Kingston was born in 1938 in Elmo, Utah, to Charles Elden Kingston, and his first wife Ethel Gustafson, so she was the daughter of the first prophet of the Kingston Clan. . She talked about how you cant associate with black people or anybody of a different race., Based on available evidence, including the accounts of numerous former Order members, the SPLC has designated The Order as a hate group under the category of `general hate.'. . 15, p. 227, -Kimball, "Journal of Discourses," vol. They got married and contacted the . "Of even greater concern was the fact that the recessive gene that triggers the disease was rapidly spreading to thousands of individuals living in the community because of decades of inbreeding. And the Genealogy Department advises genealogists to follow only their direct line; in this instance meaning only the wife who is their mother, not other wives of their father. They steer clear of banks,. . "Some of the kids can walk, but others have a difficult time even sitting. "By the late 1990s, Tarby and his team had discovered fumarase deficiency was occurring in the greatest concentration in the world among the fundamentalist Mormon polygamists of northern Arizona and southern Utah. Had these defects clumped in my own family as it seemingly appeared to me? . Child life is destroyed. and councilmen.' Mormons can now see why American citizens passed laws intended to stop polygamy, a relic of unwise prophecy, laws continuously disregarded in Utah, a state controlled by the Mormon Church, if they will only look. "For the first time, the faith-promoting stories about my great-grandfathers heroism for defying the federal government when they outlawed polygamy interested me. She explained that they weren't supposed to know who their dad was, only her . "'My mother should not have produced another baby," says Rugg, also Isabell and John Ortell's daughter and the baby's full sister. . . I began to think polygamy might be a genetically unsound marriage practice. . The early Mormon Church practiced polygamy until 1890, when leaders abandoned the practice as a condition for Utah to gain statehood. . "Then, as generations of polygamous Kingston children have been taught, they demurred to questions about their father. . 'And when you talk about the public interest, you have to consider who pays for the consequences. Grant determined to keep marrying until he found a woman to bear him living sons. . " Ex-order members interviewed by the Intelligence Report generally agreed with the characterization of the Kingston clan as a hate group.. A fourth to half of father-daughter and brother-sister offspring have mental or physical deficiencies. "Farm Roots of Incest: Marriages in the Kingston clan must be sanctioned by [the] current head of the church . She is guiding me all around town, following my route, turn by turn, on Google maps. 'If you cross a Barlow and Jessop, you stand a high risk of getting this condition,' Tarby says. . Fumarase deficiency, however sensationalized, is not the only genetic disorder found here. So many young people.'. I could see that the leaders of The Order really did believe we had black ancestors, Ron explained, with Christy next to him, and his adult daughters Emily and Julie nearby. . "For us parents the future health and happiness of ourselves, our children and grandchildren are at stake. Appointments & Access. "Tarby said the victims require constant care from parents and close relatives. July 1, 2020. . . --Letting the Genetic Genie Out of the Bottle: God Commands the Mormon Church to Enter Into Biologically-Destructive Practice of Polygamy. It gets pretty bleak when it gets that close.' . Isaac Wyler, another lifelong Colorado City resident who was excommunicated from the FLDS in January 2004. One of the survivors includes Amanda Rae Grant, who appeared on season two of A&E's "Escaping . These babies usually do not leave the hospital and die as infants. This is the equivalent of a religious rationalization for the practice of incest. The Lard apparently should have done genetics 101. my question is: How come MORmON god does not get on board with His own programs? The Order can rightly claim discrimination by mainstream Mormonism, but this is due to its embrace of polygamy, which the LDS church officially abandoned in 1890 in order for Utah to become a state. Unfortunately, it's still the innocent who suffer due to Joseph Smith's lies. Why is this? Polygamy today is comprised of early Mormon polygamy descendants and these families are now interrelated by a factor impossible in monogamy. The girl's father and mother, Susan Nelson (one of John Daniel's many wives) are half-sister and brother. . . I hate to talk like this about my own genealogy,' Wyler says, 'but, literally, they are keeping all the breeding stock--the women, the [strictly faithful] men--and weeding out the disobedient men. And it takes two of them to get him into the bathtub just to wash him down and clean him up.' Elden also instituted the church law of one above the other, requiring members blind obedience to the churchs hierarchy of numbered men, with Elden being Brother Number One. Still more, rather cryptically, feature child-size palm and footprints. Somehow LaDonnas curse was transferred to the Tuckers via Christy, Rons wife, because, Christys mom left The Order and married an Irishman, before leaving him and returning to the fold. Obviously, we would love to.. . . . "FLDS marriages, Wyler and other community experts say, are an extension of a breeding program that began with Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith in the 1830s. ", -Apostle Heber C. Kimball, as quoted Stanley P. Hirshon, "The Lion of the Lord: A Biography of Brigham Young" [New York, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969], pp. In secret videotapes of Order church meetings aired on Escaping Polygamy, Pauls nephew Nick Young, speaking from a church lectern, identifies himself as a numbered man, number 72, to be precise. "Tarby says he quickly realized he was dealing with a very unusual condition that he could not diagnose. 'But just on general principles, the offspring of uncle-niece, or half-siblings have an elevated level of genetic disease. The Order denies that it encourages racism and homophobia within its ranks. "In 1996, the now 31-year-old Kingston mother of two slow-growing children sought explanations at Primary Children's Medical Center. He also married a woman descended from polygamy. "Tarby says most of the children 'can say at least a word or two,' but that all of them 'have severe mental retardation' with IQs of less than 25. And during a recent picnic to honor the birthday of patriarch John Ortell Kingston, Order families descended on a Salt Lake Valley park, where hundreds of children of all ages blanketed the parks green expanse. That leads to problems." Various congenital and genital defects, dwarfism, fused limbs, fingernails lacking, mental illness and mental retardation, spina bifida, and microcephalous are some of the diseases and mutations. "Like his father-in-law, John Y. Barlow became one of the towering patriarchs of the fundamentalist Mormon community and served as FLDS prophet from 1935 until his death in 1949. . Or was it true no one knew the answers, because they could not be known, because no one wanted to know? Tarby recounts a conversation he had with a member of the Barlow clan in which he tried to explain why so much fumarase deficiency was occurring among Mormon polygamists. These conditions are disproportionately common, relative to the size of the general population, in Short Creek. 5, p. 22. . She also had a child with a clubfoot, and I think probably half of her children had respiratory problems when they were babies, because they were so related.". Some outside the church have referred to the group as "the Kingston Clan" or the "Kingston Cult," although leaders believe that these terms are "inaccurate and derogatory." . . . "Other possible genetic traits include: microcephaly, a malformation of the skull in which the infant has a small head (ex-members say two children with microcephaly have died and eight others are institutionalized); blindness; spina bifida; Down syndrome; kidney disease and abnormal leg and arm joints. Meanwhile, as Mormons wait patiently and faithfully for multi-wifery's official return, the words of their founding Church fathers sound praise to polygamy past, present and future: --The Mormon God's Declaration of Righteous Genetic Combinations: Monogamy is a Christian Blight on Humanity, While Polygamy is the Lord's Way to Produce Fresh, Virile Men; Good-Lookin' Women; and Super Strong Stock to Carry Civilization Into Eternity. Now, let's examine how "God-ordained" Mormon polygamy has wreaked unholy genetic havoc on its faithful followers: --Case Study on Polygamous Mormonism's Genetic Disease Striking Home: The Linda Walker Story. . The lawyers words call to mind another heavenly curse, described in 2 Nephi, Chapter 5 of the Book of Mormon, where God caused a skin of blackness to come upon a group called the Lamanites, supposedly ancestors of Native Americans. "'Polygamy leads to sexual predation, and that leads to genetic problems,' says . "', "'Joseph Smith was also selecting for the "obedience gene." . Lesser known children hidden in families sympathetic to polygamists might remain ignorant of their genetic kinship. By l980, this theory changed dramatically as many other Utah families accepted the diagnosis. "Fred was in charge of the cemeteries, the gravediggers, all of that. _____. ". Polygamy would have afforded the opportunity of producing from that consecrated fatherhood and motherhood the improved type of man the world needs to reveal the highest possibilities of the race, that the day of the super man might come, and with him come also the redemption and betterment of the race.'. . . I think most people are made aware of the problems caused by inbreeding (a nicer word than incest) when they are still young teenagers. "Her half-brother is still married to another half-sister (whose parents also were half-sister and brother) and are still members of the Kingston's order. The last infant grave marked in this cemetery is dated 2010; Warren issued an edict from prison banning sex in 2011, so few infants have been born since then (the few babies born each year are the product of institutionalized rape by cult-appointed seed bearers). . There were so many young children who were born with abnormalitiesharelips, club feet, heart valvesthat were they were going to die within a year. . 'And I've seen others that are totally laid out. 'It's like any inbred disorder,' Tarby says. Given such incidents, could Order members be a threat to law enforcement? One outspoken Mormon matriarch who attended the same Sunday meeting for 50 years commented about the health of the polygamous descendants versus the monogamous descendants, 'You see it in the obituaries. Aleck is a geneticist who participated along with Tarby and others in the groundbreaking study of several polygamous families with fumarase deficiency in the late 1990s. "A Secretive Refrain: . WREs influence earned special scrutiny in February 2016 after the IRS, the EPA and other government agencies raided owner Jacob Kingstons house as well as The Orders bank and other locations, carting away bankers box after bankers box of records. It appears my kinship group is suffering from clusters of rare recessive genes. So what about polygamy? Her parents and siblings eventually left as well. In the polygamist cult of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, cousins were encouraged to marry in order to preserve certain bloodlines. 'If the community gets larger, the number of people with fumarase deficiency gets larger. Sex. 'They are totally helpless,' he says. 'As soon as I saw her, I knew she had the same thing as her brother,' Tarby says. _____. 'They are functioning way below their chronological age.'. "Andrea's son, now 7, lives with his father, Jason Kingston--Andrea's half-brother--and Rosalind, his niece. Kingston forebears were among those who suffered this fate. on the flat hay fields that stretch from the edge of Woods Cross to the crusty shores of the Great Salt Lake, that John Ortell Kingston studied the genetics of in-line breeding. From the article, "Mormon Polygamy: Frequently Asked Questions": "[Mormon] Church founder, Joseph Smith, said he received a revelation from God, which is still canonized Mormon scripture as Doctrine and Covenants Section 132. "Today, six sons and two daughters of John Ortell and LaDonna have married at least 20 half-sisters, nieces and first cousins, giving birth to a family tree that twists and tangles, and, at times, withers with children born of genetic deficiencies. . Let's now examine how this supposedly "divinely-inspired" Mormon program of heavenly eugenics has actually worked in practice. Could my childish intuition that the adults and doctors lips were sealed against my questions involve family secrets; secrets relatives took to their graves rather than betray? . Nevertheless, former members of The Order say that incest and racism are inextricably linked in The Orders teachings. It's also still rape with a foreign object, I remind us both unnecessarily. . Okay, I have one legal wife, he said. The enzyme irregularity causes severe mental retardation, epileptic seizures and other effects that often leaves children unable to take care of themselves. But now that it was appearing in two children in the same family was an indication it was being spread by a gene that was getting passed to the children by their parents. . "It was . Its ominous-sounding moniker, The Order, is a reference to the United Order, a quasi-utopian society proposed by LDS-founder Joseph Smith, and practiced in some Mormon communities under the leadership of early church president Brigham Young. Like polygamy, incest is a third-degree felony in Utah, and as with polygamy, convictions are rare. Early polygamy was rife with incestuous and eugenic ideas and practices as well. Years of inbreeding have resulted in children born with serious birth defects. "These groups are white supremacists and inbreeding is an essential doctrine in keeping the bloodline pure. "Joseph Smith Jessop and his first wife, Martha Moore Yeates, had 14 children. KUTV A large police presence swarmed a well-known polygamous family's property in South Salt Lake Wednesday.A Department of Justice Spokesman Peter Carr confirmed to KUTV that it is involved in . There was also testimony, during one hearing, that someone in the Kingston clan wanted to blow up the courthouse. Despite its on-going public relations effort to convince Americans that Mormons don't really support polygamy (and despite the belief of many devout Mormons that polygamy came from God as revealed church doctrine which will eventually be reinstated when Jesus returns to the Earth), a quarter of Americans surveyed also have expressed the opinion that most Mormons embrace the idea of plural marriage: "A . Rather than take steps to avoid the problem, the FLDS loyalists may believe it is their duty to accept their fate. 'The downside is that if you don't start with good genetics, and if there is baggage in the genes of the individual, inbreeding will uncover that baggage. Chapter 2: The roots of a tortured clan By Western standards, Mohammad Shafia is not an educated man; born in middle-class Kabul in. 'Escaping Polygamy' is a docuseries on Lifetime which follows the work of three sisters, who were able to break free from the polygamous Kingston Clan, known as the Order. . Jeffs is following a long-established practice -- started by Smith 170 years ago -- of excommunicating those who do not strictly adhere to church leaders' commands. "During this early period, polygamy was practiced secretly by the Mormon leadership, men who covertly preached and expanded polygamy while publicly deceiving the general Mormon population about the practice. This is inadequate information for purposes of establishing the true incidence of consanguinity within a family or community. In one, Ortell warns that there is a movement afoot that wants to homogenize the people and make one race, by mixing all the races up. Cases of fumarase deficiency have shown up in the FLDS communities in Colorado City and Hildale, and doctors believe that the incidence of the condition in these communities will increase in coming generations. Although the official stance of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is against polygamy, several of the women's stories reveal that LDS leaders dismiss the deviant sects and blame the women who come to them for help. "The only long-term solution to the health crisis is for Barlows and Jessops to have children with spouses from outside the polygamist community. This seemed to apply in my own kindred because those of us who left Mormonism and married outsiders are less riddled with the deleterious genetic legacy than relatives who married within the ancestral Mormon gene pool. Two of her sisters married their first cousinsmen with whom they share the same grandfather; the sons of their father's second wife, who is their mother's full sister. breeding really functional? . Former Order members tell of babies being born nearly every week in the church. Just under eight miles southeast of Short Creek is an area called Cane Beds, Arizona. 3, p. 291, "I have noticed that a man who has but one wife, and is inclined to that doctrine, soon begins to wither and dry up, while a man who goes into plurality [of wives] looks fresh, young, and sprightly. 'We can only treat the complications of the disorder,' Aleck says. He was. "It is Moore-Emmett's belief that the LDS Church who started polygamy in this country should take responsibility and provide financial aid and other resources for those polygamous families who have been abused. Re: Polygamy's Patriarchy-Poisoned Bloodline: The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Joseph Smith's "Divine" Breeding Program of Mormon Mutation . Ron says the cults justification for its racism goes back to early Mormon teachings about a war in heaven between the forces of Satan and those of Jesus. "Researchers have identified a gene on the first chromosome that causes fumarase deficiency, but no test has been developed that could be used to identify individuals carrying the malady. . In an office several hundred miles from where Young gave his speech, a 10-year . . LGBT people fare little better in the Kingston clan. "Among the polygamous Kingstons, a number of children have been born with birth defects, among them one born with two vaginas and two uteruses but no vaginal or bowel opening. In 2003, another clan member, Jeremy Kingston pleaded guilty to incest for taking 15-year-old Lu Ann Kingston as his fourth wife. . . "Nearly everyone in Colorado City, Arizona, and the adjacent town of Hildale, Utah, was a member of a fundamentalist Mormon sect that practices polygamy and had long encouraged multiple marriages between close relatives. Jessica said she and other children of the Kingston clan a group also known as The Order, the Davis County Cooperative Society, and the Latter-Day Church of Christ dropped the N-bomb all the time, as did their parents. At least six of Merlin's incestuously conceived children in turn married half-siblings, couplings that subsequently produced children with various deformities, says Rowenna Erickson, an ex-member who left her polygamous husband. thus marking the first time news media reported this human and civil rights nightmare accurately since the 1850s. Dawna asks me. "In the FLDS community, marriages with cousins and other relatives are common, Bistline said. "Fumarase deficiency is caused by a lack of the fumarase enzyme, an essential component in a biological process called the Krebs cycle, which converts food into energy within each cell. "Genealogists and especially epidemiologists must be scrupulous in identifying all the wives and children of any polygamist man. . Consanguinity causes aggregate clusters of deleterious genes to collect in families, which then express themselves as rare recessive disorders like nephritis, cystic fibrosis, biliary artesia, albinism, short stature and many others. . . But I do have children with other women., Asked if two women named were in fact his first cousins, Young paused, finally replying, I guess Im curious as to what youre trying to get at here.. . "With no other options available, more FLDS families will be faced with the difficult burden of caring for children suffering with fumarase deficiency. All of this is to say that incest and inbreeding have been going on for so longand so prevalentlyin the polygamous sects along the Utah/Arizona border that these stories have been woven into the fiber of the communities. . Allison, a 17 year-old ex-Kingston member says not much has changed since Lu Anns day. Mormons, however, take care to denounce the FLDS "polygs" as having absolutely no relation to their Latter Day Saints. Still, he conceded that some Order members may have prejudiced beliefs because in our organization people have freedom of choice.. . Some read simply, "Baby Keate," or "Baby Bateman," or "Baby Cooke," with holes where numeric date tiles might otherwise be placed. Upon the creation of the LDCJC, most members of the DCCS . There are also graves lacking any dates whatsoever. . Many members of the fundamentalist community don't even know it's occurring. His speech, a 10-year already had been established by Kingstons father, who had three wives pretty... 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