Thank you. As Secretary, I will work to make sure that Student Council proceedings are as transparent as possible. Other schools will expect you to make a speech either at a live assembly or via video broadcast. I have a vision where the Student Action Team is the flagship program that the EVP is tasked with heading. Next, explain why youre qualified for this student council position. Ill make sure to facilitate communication between the students and the administration and encourage all students to speak up about their opinions on Campus Life. As a governing body, we need to stop assuming the needs and wants of students. If you are running for sc president, you should know what you want to contribute/ give back to the people who will be voting for you. Better events: Ever thought that going to that party or event wasnt worth the opportunity cost of three hours of not being able to study? Better access and service: Have you ever felt like you couldnt approach a member of student council? Having served as appointments chair for the past two semesters, I have learned a great deal about the necessity of small improvements, and the difference they can make on an entire process, like applying to committees. If you found that many students had some of the same concerns or ideas, you may include these in your speech as well. Lacey Dickinson 10: My name is Lacey Dickinson and I am a sophomore. 18: The Help feat. Having served in the Student Government for almost two years and holding different positions has helped me improve various things on campus. Here are my bullet points for a good campaign speech: These should be the main points you hit, but also, try to inject some humor into your speech to make it more entertaining. I will work for better food quality and longer hours so that you are not left starving at midnight when you have to write that paper. I was appointed to the Student Affairs Committee last spring, and began serving my term this fall. I ask for your vote to help make this happen. SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination BoardTM. Additionally, while these positions are considered smaller, you have the same responsibility as the president or VP,to help plan and execute great events. Consider running for secretary. I want to add an internet poll to the Dashboard website that would allow you to keep tabs on what the Student Council was doing and provide the council with feedback. After graduating from the University of South Carolina I pursued a career working for Walt Disney World and Walt Disney Studios. During my time at Swarthmore, I have had the opportunity to meet many of my peers and listen to their concerns regarding the direction of the college. Plan new amazing fundraisers! I have decided to run as Appointments Chair, not only because I believe I can do a good job, but because I believe that I can use the job to expand student engagement. Whether its a proposal for a new green initiative, concerns about budgeting or even a request for a new foosball table, Student Council is one of the only forums on campus where each of these can be given full attention. I also want to work with the Educational Policy Representative to expand curriculum options that reflect the interest of the entire student body. Constance Young, a junior political science major, The needs and concerns of our community are important and should be heard and/or acknowledged with resolutions derived from the compelling ideas and interest of our peers.. I like warm showers, kittens, Jane Austens novels, spicy food, living in MLL, roomy cars, bad puns, puppies, coffee, Linux, and the color blue. My personality is analogous to my upbringing, in that I am diverse, hard-working, determined and eclectic. Not only does it impress the admissions team, but student council also prepares you for experiences youll have in college and the real world. , , . Another goal of mine would be to put together an abridged version of the Constitution outlining proposal procedures as well as separate subcommittees which can be approached for more specific concerns. WebAn election campaign platform is the promise a candidate makes and strives to maintain once they are elected. These factors can indicate that the school is in good hands with you. - Definition created by 2008-09 TASC State Officers and District Presidents PROMOTE CITIZENSHIP I want all EIU students Freshman through senior to have these skills, so that, when they get out in the real world they are fully prepared. Editors note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmores online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. During your lunch period, you should not be sitting down; instead, walk around the cafeteriaorcampus. Nothing is worse than the class t-shirt. So, I want to run for the Student Body President, this will give me the power required to implement all the changes needed. Student Council will first and foremost work to create a comprehensive path for students to interact with faculty. I think we can all agree that the more people we can get involved the better it will be. I cannot begin to fathom the emptiness of a life without the standard Saturday night Paces party, or midweek pizza study break. Get to know classmates, come up with a campaign slogan, hang posters, build a campaign team, and leverage social media to successfully get nominated and run for student council. Lastly, I want to take efforts to make EIU student body a united body. I believe EIU needs a change on bigger scale. Members of the school-wide council plan and execute programs for the entire school (such as Homecoming Week or a school-wide fundraiser). To be elected, you'll need to deliver a speech convincing classmates you're highly motivated and qualified to represent them. Parents Engaged in Education, 857 Milner Ave. Unit 104, Scarborough, ON M1B 5N6. Past campaign platforms are useful to future candidates concerned with historicity and maintaining ongoing campaign promises adopted by WebGreen Giant FM. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. 2. Have familiarity with using Microsoft Office suite platforms such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Typically (though this may vary slightly by high school/region), each grade level has itsown grade-level council (i.e. 1. I know the resources on campus, and Im comfortable using them. WebWith some research on what fellow students want and some planning, you are on your way to writing a speech that may get you elected to student council. Ask questions; get answers. 3. I have an ability to work well with others, yet voicing my opinion when needed. Joking aside, while taking care of the details of Student Council proceedings is undoubtedly important, it is not my only reason for running for the position. 2022 - 4 . Plan ononehour for meetings and fourhours for event planning or executing events. Vote for me so that I can continue to bring new and innovative ideas, services, and facilities to this campus! Set a Budget: There are expenses involved with In the case of the Board, I am not intimidated by communicating the concerns of students with them. Be aware that there are potential drawbacks to joining student council. I have personal relationships with Liz Derickson and Dean Westphal because Ive taken the time to ask them about CAPS and Public Safetys policies. Colleges arent looking for students with a laundry list of activities on their resume. Click. I am not looking to radicalize or revolutionize Student Council. If youre trying to run for a position for the first time (i.e. You'll want to have at least fivehours per week to dedicate to student council. Dont be known as the person who is always late to classor on their cell phone. If elected I would channel my passion for SAC, along with my past experience, towards my duties as Student Events Advisor. Serving on the Executive board of SASS, being a member of SBC, and being a Lang Center Intern has allowed me to recognize the importance of working as a team on a committee. For me, the accessibility of the administration and student leaders is one of the most vital keys to our success, both as individuals, and as a collective. Around the first corner of the track a I would also make a further commitment to explore social, cultural, and even financial issues more in depth. Consequently, this allows me to approach issues from another perspective, and enables me to look at issues outside the box. deciding who on the council will be in charge of finding someone to design the class t-shirt, who will be responsible for finding a company to print the t-shirt), and for holding people accountable (i.e. If your speech is any longer, you risk losing your audiences attention. (Be sure to Start a fundraiser? Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines. By going to the conferences yes, even in the middle of Summer/weekends I found college roommates, best friends, and got to see new parts of the country. At its best, I believe that Student Council has the unique ability to be a positive means of communicating student ideas and concerns to the administration and campus as a whole. Win or lose, youll learn a lot in the process. Another thing I want to bring to the VPSA position, is more activity on our campus. Running for a position on student council can be a scary experience, but its also enjoyable and rewarding. If I am elected, I hope to implement simple ideas like these to keep you more in touch with what is going on. 1st / 2nd Vice President:Responsible for assisting the president (i.e. I want to just be that person who is there for them, to help them promote, a useful tool that can help with things like connections. We asked Savanna Klein, admissions counselor at Sweet Briar College, what her fellow admissions officers think about students participating in student council: There you have it! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail me ( or approach me on campus. Hello students of Swarthmore College. I recognize that Swatties feel they are extremely busy and dont have the time to become more in tune with what student council is doing. One thing we did on council as part of a push for appointments was have a study break last semester with members from each committee there, and the eagerness they showed to talk about their committees was admirable. An idea that I hope to realize, would be to have the non-confidential committees have one completely open meeting each semester that students would be encouraged go to and learn about the functions, for in that way you can see what it is like to work closely with faculty and administration. Nate Erskine 10: My name is Nathaniel (Nate) Erskine 10 and I am asking to be your Appointments Chair. I will utilize these skills to make sure that my duties as Secretary are executed in a competent manner. 34) My Tie: Have a dinner party with all the council members. If youre just looking for another activity on your resume, then NO! In this section, Ill discuss the general responsibilities of all members. As Student Council Vice President, I would work collaboratively within our community to find some viable answers to these questions and others that may arise in the next year. She previously served as News Editor and Associate News Editor at TheNews. At these weekly meetings, members brainstorm events they'd like to plan and divvy up the tasks. I want to participate in discussions with students about what matters the most to them. Introduce yourself, share some of your ideas for improvement, and ask your peers what changes they would like to see at school. According to the Student Council constitution, the function of the secretary is to ensure that important documentation pertaining to Student Council is archived, posting minutes and keeping track of the budget. Because if we know this, if we were to know the precise details of why our meals dont roll over, of why there are students on campus who cannot afford their books, etc., we will be able to understand the best way to promote, and request change. If there are things that bother you about your school thatyou'd like to improve, student council gives you an opportunity to do so. The key to becoming a successful student council member is having a central belief system. I want to make this as easy and the least daunting as possible. Peb 2021 - Nob 202110 buwan. Ask below and we'll reply! See the about page to read more about the DG. I will insure that your application is not lost, that your application is given a fair review and that you will be promptly notified of the status of your application. You could make an excellent treasurer. I would bring a wide array of experiences and skills to the office of Vice President. As a former Speaker, I understand the time, commitment, and dedication it takes to be an executive officer in this organization and I am excited to get to work with the rest of the Student Government, and the student body as a whole., Skylar Coffey, a graduate student studying political science. In this ultimate guide, well discuss the benefits of student council, how to get appointed, and what to expect. This means informing students of any and all meeting times and communicating to the student body what occurs during these meetings by making use of the Student Council board and working with StuCos Outreach Coordinator as well as drumming up some more creative ideas for sharing Student Council agendas. As an RA, I have worked with the Deans Office and generally know the goings-on around campus. The student secretary is the backbone of the student council and is one of the most essential roles in a school. Do you want to have a wider variety of school lunch options? As a Latin major I have come love to subtleties and details. That is in essence what I want to keep as the foremost goal of council, the committees, and the administration. Your speech should NOT be too long (Id recommend 2-3 minutes maximum). If elected I would work for: Beyond dotting the is and crossing the ts of meeting minutes, I see the position of Student Council Secretary as a position of facilitation. I believe that an interview is not an interrogation, and I would make sure that the meeting would be relaxed, but focused. I want to continue the tradition of Student Government buying gifts for families around the holiday time, and I want to further encourage other groups on campus to do the same as well., Payton Ade, a freshman math education major, I am running under the idea that everyone, no matter who they are and the background they come from should be heard and accepted by the community that they are a part of., Zach Bray, a freshman political science and pre-physician, I am running on a platform of bringing more diversity to campus, bringing a Panda Express, creating a more just and fair environment, and ensuring students voices are actually heard at every level of campus life., Sierra Humphrey, a junior early childhood education. Prepare a monthly financial report and present at each meeting. As your campus life representative, I will work with student council and the administration to demand that your needs/goals/wants are met. Resultantly, four students from Pashtun Council and two from Punjabi Council suffered injuries. I want to help ensure that our diverse groups on campus feel as secure and welcomed. I would like to extend this concrete connection with my hall to the community at large. Remind council members to adhere to the budget when considering new ideas. As Vice President, Id like to translate some of those thoughts into action. Now you have to spread your message. However, it can alsorequire a significant time commitment. Treasurer:Responsible for budgeting and managing money (i.e. As Student Council Secretary, I will work to make Student Council members recognizable and openly available to the student body. I am focused and disciplined. I am the right choice for your Thinking about joining student council? My other goal is to continue Student Councils work with groups like Training for Change, which provided SC with workshops on Anti-Oppression work. Interested in learning about other great extracurricular opportunities? WebCommittee Secretary. By joining the student government, youre able to influence your high school. Student Events Advisor: with your name on it. Create a class field trip? Next, start to develop your campaign platform or main focus. The first minutes of the race were, of course, filled with reports from each member. All student government membersare responsible for attending meetings (usually weekly, though the specifics will vary from school to school). We reserve the right to remove comments that contain obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language. If you like to lead and speak in front of others, being the student council president or vice president might suit you. You want people to see your name so that they can talk to their friends about you andtry to figure out who you are before election day. No matter what position you run for, how you campaign is important. If you love the idea of improving your school, then make student council your main extracurricular. The first is in submitting your application. The times where your dedication and hard work really go noticed is when youre offered a coveted conference spot. If you want to be president of your class or high school some day, you need to start working towards that goal early. I believe that it is the responsibility of the administration to fully inform student of decisions or documents which affect our campus. While I have a number of things I am committed to like actively pushing the idea of Thanksgiving in the Spring and extending the hours of Sharples and Tarble, for example, many of my goals are more long term: One of the jobs of Vice President is to serve on the College Planning Committee for 2025. If you look at all official elections - from your local In order to alleviate the ambiguity often associated with SAC and throwing campus events, I would insist on holding at least two informal study breaks a semester that would allow curious potential event hosts to casually interact with SAC members and ask questions. Sorry, there was an error loading this poll. Secretary and Member of the Ad-hoc Committee on Drafting University Announcements to allowing student representatives to A platform should be your summary of things at your school you want to change. This will be a step to change EIUs environment into a safer yet free place for all the diverse communities. Running for the campaign and preparing for it might be nerve-racking sometimes. My duty is to promote and build up the identity of our clients. I have been working closely with several Alumni groups, a great resource for information and support for any activity. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. Facebook stalk me. To show other students that youre this type of person, youll have to get out there and mingle with your classmates. WebMy top five strengths are: I am a learner. Undoubtedly I pledge to continue in their proactive footsteps to making Swarthmore campus life better for the student body in general. Be on time to meetings and events. You can also state some of your main goals and how you will accomplish them. While on this committee, for example, I plan to talk about the colleges diversity in the future. As a publicist, youve got to be VERY comfortable talking with strangers from celebrities to some weirdos you engage with all kinds. The position of SGA president is a highly respected I am motivated to excel. Words by Jessica Rowe Well, the Timekeepers were ready as The Starter called Council members to the starting line and declared the meeting open. Appointments Chair Candidates .. Having a focused platform will help you seem trustworthy and will help you stay motivated. Back then, it was a club that I treated like a religion and is still credited with some of my favorite memories. The group is composed entirely of students; often they have a faculty adviser. Hopefully this article helps point you in the right direction. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to create a feed. The other day, my friend was saying how great it would be if there were just some randomly fun thingsLike what if there were suddenly a band playing in the fragrance garden on Friday afternoon?that happened here on campus? What is the role of a Secretary in student council? a combination of personal characteristics and past experiences and successes. Secretary: The secretary is responsible for taking accurate notes (minutes) at all meetings and reporting those minutes to the council before, during or after the meetings. I also want to challenge myself and my fellow student leaders to talk with people more, learn about them, and do everything that we can to make sure they feel represented and included. Speeches provide you with another opportunity to show that you're trustworthy. And of course, it doesnt hurt that it makes a powerful addition to your college resume. I also would want to reestablish the Presidential Cabinet, which is where a student representative from On campus, Off campus, a male and female Athlete, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, National Panhellenic Council, Black Student Union, Latin American Student Organization, and possible other additions from other organizations may be appointed to the Cabinet and act as representatives from their respective areas. As Appointments Chair, I want to bring in more students instead of having the same half-dozen or so people on several committees. Colleges like to see student government on your resume because it indicates that you are a leader who gets involved on campus. I joined because I wanted to still plan pep rallies and custodial appreciation gifts. The structure of student council varies by school. The secretary notifies officers, committee members and others of their successful election or appointment to office. Besides, Ive seen the rubber duckies lounging poolside in President Blooms basement spa! We also send out a monthly e-newsletter filled with tons of articles with advice and tips to help your parent council to be more engaging. Thus far I have been an ardent member of the Student Affairs Committee, and would love to spread my fervor to student council. After being so involved in high school, I wanted to be a part of the colleges student government. But school council secretaries are often assigned additional responsibilities that make the job more interesting, more creative, and more challenging. Someone is always unhappy and doesnt like the design. 2. These tools are important to use as a Campus Life Representative. Previous experience interning with an automotive company in Malaysia resulted in gaining a strong foundation in CAD software, mathematics and computing skills. The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 160+ SAT Points, How to Get a Perfect 1600, by a Perfect Scorer, Free Complete Official SAT Practice Tests. Information and support for any activity about CAPS and Public Safetys policies think we can get the. Along with my past experience, but its also enjoyable and rewarding of. Saturday night Paces party, or midweek pizza study break agree that the platforms for student council secretary we... Indicate that the EVP is tasked with heading vote to help make this as easy the. 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