Are they respectful toward followers of other religions? To Create Your Very Own Cult. Forming a Group. After leaving the group Linda relocated to Ohio. She has many years experience working with trauma, including survivors of spiritual and cult abuse, and sexual abuse. Image source. Step 5: Prepare your resume. She has begun co-facilitating a cult recovery support group in the Washington DC area since 2014. Most cult experts are actively involved in professional associations. He is involved with hypnosis both as a therapeutic tool and as a field of research, having published on the matter in La Revista de Psicoterapia international journal, as well as in the International Journal of Cultic Studies. Apparently, this cult was opposed superstition, obscurantism . But with their snap judgments, gossip and blather, they can not hold a candle to experts who present well-reasoned, insightful analyzes. In other words,you must still put in the time to research cult experts before selecting one. Note that outtakes from the media are difficult. Some work only with referrals from other experts in the field. She has been interviewed on numerous television and radio shows, including CNN, Larry King, National Geographic Channel, and 20/20. Who are their professional contacts and affiliations? And number two: "Maintain your relationship with that person no matter what." So you want to be a Cult Leader? She is also a former member who is establishing a Boston area practice designed specifically for ex-cult members: The Gentle Souls Revolution, Healing Arts. His other publications include a chapter on a connection between cults and addiction in the medical reference, Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook, published by Williams and Wilkins. Ms. Wehles article, Plunge into the Abyss: Psychodynamic Group on Creativity and Trauma, is the lead article in the Winter 2016 issue of the journal Group. 10 Steps to Become an SEO Expert. She has presented at national and international conferences in Madrid, Poland, Canada, and in Australia, where she helped organize two conferences in Brisbane. She spent a decade as a member and womens leader in a religious cult in the Chicago suburbs during her adult formative years. Ms. Allen gained a breadth of experience volunteering at the Cult Clinic of JBFCS in NYC for three years and has gone on to work as a therapist with former cult members in community mental health. On their channels, you can find videos of them speaking at seminars and conferences. He and Vicki now live near Tallahassee, Florida where both are licensed mental health counselors and operate an intensive outpatient substance abuse program at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. Her publications include The Psychobiology of Trauma and Child Maltreatment (Cultic Studies Review, Vol. Sometimes this means one person has to put aside his or her favorite tried-and-true strategy and try something different. A specialist in cults discusses a real-life example of a former cult member's struggle to recover from his traumatic experiences within the group, and offers treatment advice for this unusual and challenging population. She works as project planner and Director of the Helping Centers for Job Harassment in the Workplace of the Udine Province and of CISL- Pordenone Province. Others do not provide intervention or counseling services, but rather engage in academic research. A bachelor's degree in one of these technology fields can provide you with knowledge and skills, such as computer . Dr. Dubrow-Marshall is a Consultant in Clinical Hypnosis (advanced certification) with the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and is certified by the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Institute. 409 Nottingham Road Email:, Phone: +46708197777, Linda Dubrow-Marshall, PhD, Reg. In 2014, she volunteered to interview defendants who were being, or had been, threatened by cultic litigation for an ICSA study on free speech, and reported on their experiences. We are constantly on the lookout for the best talent especially those . When researching cult experts, you should also use YouTube as one of your sources. Develop mechanisms for leaders and employees to engage in honest, two-way dialogue in a safe environment. In 1983, she and her husband, Noel, left their associations with est, The Hunger Project and Sterling Institute and began a personal search for information to aid their recovery process. Some are written by respected cult experts, and some by informed lay (experience) experts. [See: What is a cult? Her areas of expertise are trauma, loss, cult and high demand group and relationship education and recovery, including those born and raised; and motherless daughters, women who have lost their mothers through death, illness, narcissism, separation, or estrangement in childhood, adolescence or adulthood. To facilitate the recovery process, MeadowHaven, a long-term rehabilitation facility, was opened in 2002. Founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, this cult is one of the main Illuminati groups. Rosannes private practice specializes in the treatment of cult survivors and their families.; (214) 607-1065, Wendy Duncan, MA, LBSW, has a Masters Degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is a licensed social worker in the state of Texas. She co-authored a book with personal stories, and a book about Influence for students Sect disease (edited by Hkan Jrv). You don't have to earn your way into a Cult Brand by proving you're cool enough. Licensed professional counselors (LPCs), also called licensed clinical professional counselors or licensed mental health counselors in some states, focus on mental, emotional, and behavioral issues in a variety of healthcare settings. While in the group, she pursued a career in accounting and software, helping to found and grow a company which went from 3 to 500 employees from 1981 to 1998. Keep your thoughts and feelings to only those you trust. She is a Somatic Experiencing practitioner and a Certified EMDR Consultant. Cult members often prey on people with few friends or family of their own and offer them the chance to become part of a group that will grant them all the friendship they could ever need. Itsmeaning differs depending on the contextin which it is used, and often also on the perspective of the person using it. William Goldberg, LCSW, PsyA, is a clinical social worker and psychoanalyst with over forty years experience working with former cult members. Most recently, Lorna has written a chapter entitled, Therapy with Former Members of Destructive Groups, for a book, New Religious Movements and Counseling (2018), edited by Sarah Harvey, Silke Steidinger and James A Beckford. Regardless of whether a cult deprogrammer is a licensed private investigator or not, they will certainly use all the tools of a detective in order to accomplish their mission. Note that some self-proclaimed cult experts have a bias for or against one or more religions.3. Rachel spoke numerous times at the former Cult Awareness Network conferences and then became involved with the International Cultic Studies Association, speaking to attendees and participating in panels and workshops. In 2006, he was awarded The Herbert L. Rosedale Award, jointly with Dr. Paul Martin, for their psychological research on undue influence. . Ashlen can be contacted at or via Unfortunately, some experts who are very good at marketing themselves are exactly the ones to stay away from. Colleen Russell, LMFT, CGP, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) since 1992, and Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP) since 2008. He has been a cult intervention specialist (exit counseling, mediation, religious conflict resolution, thought reform consulting) since 1984. These may, in fact, include religion scholars who have become known as cult apologists (cult defenders). When selecting a cult expert it is a good idea to check with ICSA for recommendations. She is a regular presenter at conferences and a published author, including a co-authoring a chapter entitled Pathological Spirituality for a medical text book entitled Spirituality and Psychiatry, published by RCPsych Publications in UK 2009. She recovered her voice, and life, through writing, songwriting and music. Since retiring to Fremont, Nebraska in 2004, she opened a counseling practice and is working with people who have exited cults. He offers psychotherapy to former members of cults and is also employed as a consultant by the help organization for former cult members in Sweden, Hjlpkllan, to train their nationwide network of volunteer workers. Linda is an avid reader of all things psychology relatedincluding individual and group exploitation. To become an ACE Functional Training Specialist, you will complete each of the modules listed below, as well as complete the quizzes associated with the material. Used properly, news archives can be helpful in alerting a current or former member of a cult-like group to certain facts about the group or its leader. new religious movements, alternative religious movements,abusive churches,spiritual abuse, et cetera. Do not make hasty decisions, but compare rates and check your options. She is a member of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, The American Group Psychotherapy Association, The San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group, and The Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society. There are no specific requirements to join. Intervention and counseling services usually do not come cheap. Discuss fees as soon as possible and get everything in writing. As mentioned earlier, when researching cults it is necessary to understandthedifferences between theological and sociological definitionsof the term cult.. Step 3: Apply for an Entry-Level IT Support Specialist Job. Most cults have single leaders, or they're typically called collectives. Some cult experts are licensed mental health counselors, while others have no formal training in counseling.Helping someone leave a cult and deal with the aftermath requires a lot of counseling. During the past 10 years he has specialized in Bible-based communal groups and aberrational Christian groups. She is the Mental Health Editor for ICSA Today. Pardon received, with his wife, Judy, ICSAs Herbert L. Rosedale Award. Since 1982, he's worked as a cult intervention specialist, conducting over 500 "interventions" (his preferred term for the cult . The first four books listed here are especially recommended. Begin by creating your own reality. She has worked in child protection, community mental health, and as a school social worker. Select books that have stood the test of time, as well as reviews by peers in the field. Instead, you will find designations such as exit counselor, thought reform consultant (or counselor), mental health counselor, intervention specialist, etc. She realized she had been in a cult in 2004 after talking with a former member, reading Margaret Singers Cults in our Midst, and visiting the ex-member website. Having the perspectives of a survivor and a mental health provider, she is passionate about raising awareness about spiritual abuse and how to counsel those who are experiencing or have experienced it. Her article, Touched: Disconfirming Pathogenic Beliefs of Thought Reform Through the Process of Acting appears in the Cultic Studies Review Special Edition, The Last Draw Cults and Creativity, 2010. They are sometimes referred to as countercult organizations (See the information at that link. For her Masters thesis/project Linda educated several mental health agencies in her area about cults and provided them with a DVD of her presentation Cults: Gaining Perspective. Linda chose her career as an LPCC to offer her a wide range of practice in mental health including recovery from group exploitation. Their social skills are above par, and they tend to have a good sense of humor. Ron is a former president of the Wellspring board and is a clinical advisor to both Wellspring and Meadowhaven, a treatment center near Boston. Some cult experts view cults primarily from a theological perspective, others from a sociological perspective, and still others consider both perspectives. She maintains a general private practice in Marin County, SF Bay Area, working with individuals, couples, families, groups and workshops, in her office or online., Gillie Jenkinson, PhD, is an accredited counsellor and psychotherapist in UK and is experienced in delivering counselling face-to-face as well as on the telephone and Skype. MBACP (Accred. Many cult experts are listed, affiliated with and/or recommended by widely recognized organizations such as theInternational Cultic Studies Association(ICSA). In 2004 one person was killed and one was injured in the small congregation Knutby in Sweden. If you are interested in any of these services, please Email:info@hopevalleycounselling.comWebsite:www.hopevalleycounselling.comPhone:+44 1433 639032. At least, not at first. Shelly Rosen, LCSW, is a psychotherapist with 35 years of clinical experience. Some websites consist primarily of news articles copied from original sources. How To Become A Cult LeaderSo you'd like to become a cult leader? 2Among cult experts you can encounter: Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselors, Loose Cannons, Rogues, Charlatans, et cetera. She presented her findings in 2015, at ICSAs conference in Santa Fe, which included an interview with Attorney Peter Skolnik. It should be noted that the majority of them refer to Christians and Christian organizations particularly those that participate in evangelism among Jews as cultists and cults. (After all, when defined theologically, cults depart from the essential doctrines and practices of a particular faith). The WMSCOG in NJ ultimately dropped the lawsuit and refiled the complaint in a New Jersey Court in 2012. Some take an angry, argumentative or even belligerent approach, while others are far too nice. With the support of a Department of Labor grant, Shelly works with an interdisciplinary team designing and implementing curricula that mitigates psychological trauma reactions for EMTs, paramedics, and their patients. Her practice in part includes intensive clinical work with former members, second generation adults (SGAs), and families of adult children in cults. She participated in Divine Light Mission, later renamed Elan Vital and The Prem Rawat Foundation, from 1973 to 2001, having been recruited in her first year of college. Pardon received, with her husband Robert, ICSAs Herbert L. Rosedale Award. She is a co-author, with Mario Di Fiorino and Steven Kent, of Costretti ad amare. In 2010 ICSA awarded her the Margaret L. Singer Award for advancing the understanding of coercive persuasion and undue influence. Mr. Kelly has also facilitated ICSA workshops for ex-members and families (1996-2018) and has lectured extensively on cult-related topics. She received a Master of Social Work from Norfolk State University in 2013 and a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication from Old Dominion University in 2011. Robert Pardon, MDiv, ThM, is the Executive Director of the New England Institute of Religious Research (NEIRR) and MeadowHaven. It's often suggested that cult leaders use brainwashing tactics to attract and keep followers . International Journal of Cultic Studies, (Vol.2), 33-43. Not to mention, a passion for fitness! There you can see, among other things, whether or not someone is well connected with other experts in the field. There is a common misperception that you (as a cult leader and founder) have to brainwash or "force" members to join. 3, 2006), A Self Psychological Approach to the Cult Phenomenon (Journal of Social Work, 1992), Cults and Families (Families in Society, Vol. Based on her scholarship and clinical expertise she has researched and developed theory for counseling with former second generation adult (SGA) cult recovery survivors. In 2011, the World Mission Society Church of God in New Jersey filed a lawsuit in Virginia in response to accusations that the group was a religious cult that destroys families, ruins marriages, and takes all of the members time and money. 4. In 2007, Bill retired from the Rockland County, NY Department of Mental Health, where he directed several programs and clinics. ICSA Today, Vol. In 2014, Rev. (781) 951-4433; You and your friend or loved one need professional help from a licensed psychotherapist not an unlicensed cult expert. If you are helping someone who is trapped in a cult, it pays to familiarize yourself with the terminology and issues surrounding cults. There are many books that deal with cults and cult-related issues. 84, No. Vanessa N. Weber, MSW, LCSW has worked with victims of cults and their families, since 1980. She is also co-editor of ICSAs Cult Recovery: A Clinicians Guide to Working With Former Members and Their Families (2017). Some are trained psychologists and social workers . In addition, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Buxton International Festival and is Chair of the Board of the Preston Guild Link charity (in Lancashire, UK) which is fundraising for the next Preston Guild cultural festival in 2032! Announce that this teaching is the only hope for saving the world. Atkins points out that cult followers want to feel in it with fellow members AND their leader. Steve K. D. Eichel, Ph.D., ABPP, CST Those applicants who become certified by the AIHCP in Crisis Intervention Counseling may use the initials/credential CIC-CSp., after their names: "Crisis Intervention Counselor-Certified Specialist" Timeline. Are they licensed counselors? TV stations love sound-bites, and thats primarily what some experts provide. He was honored with AFFs 1990 John G. Clark Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Cultic Studies for this study, which was published as a special issue of the Cultic Studies Journal and has been translated into several foreign languages. She has been working with former cult members and their loved ones since 1991. Shincheonji Church of Jesus Cult of Christianity, the teachings and practices of groups and movements often referred to as cults, the ways in which such groups (and individuals) recruit followers, how they convince members not to leave (and to reject their parents, friends, and former way of life), how members can be encouraged to reevaluate their involvement in such groups, How to help former cult members recover from their experiences, to a licensed professional who is accountable to professional and ethical standards, or, to someone who is not subject to formal accountability, Many cult experts deal with cults and cult-related issues primarily from a, Most experts in this group work from a Christian point of view, with specific expertise in addressing. He has worked as such in private practice in Barcelona for the last 14 years at Pehun Institute of Psychology with a constructivist and systemic approach, subjects on which he has postgraduate studies, as well as in hypnosis. Since 1992, she has been Associate Director of the New England Institute of Religious Research (NEIRR) and MeadowHaven, where she has worked with former cult members, including some who have experienced profound trauma. Will they counsel someone even if that person is not willing to accept their religious belief system? Used incorrectly, such articles may instead confirm what the person has come to expect: lies and persecution. Look for websites that offer a variety of research resources including original material written by recognized, respected experts. The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults. ]Many manage to leave on their own or with the help of friends and family. Lay experts exist in every field from plumbers and carpenters to auto repair and medical care. 2, 15-24. Newark, DE 19711 3. Diana, Leaving the Cult: Play Therapy in Childhood and Talk Therapy in Adolescence. Helping someone leave a cult - and deal with the aftermath - requires. Nobody joins acult. For the first 12 years of her life, the cult controlled her entire existence . Dylesia owns Existence, Consciousness, Bliss Counseling, Psychotherapy & Wellness Center in Nashville, TN and is a Doctorate of Social Work student at Millersville University. She is a psychologist in private practice in Oslo and is currently working on her memoirs. She has been a regular facilitator/presenter at ICSAs former-member workshops and cult-education conferences since 1998. Gillies doctoral research investigated what helps former members recover and her dissertation is entitled: Freeing the authentic-self: Phases of Recovery and Growth from an Abusive Cult Experience. 3. Talking with new hires, consultants, and advisors will . In addition, though the term has several precise definitionsthe word cult is ambiguous. Nevertheless, in most places, anyone can call themselves a consultant or offer counseling without necessarily using that term. She has presented on this theme nationally and internationally, including presentation to the Minister of Social Services and a government delegation in Israel in 2012. The organizations top management originated within the group, but is no longer affiliated, having been sold by the owners a few years ago. She is a Board Certified Diplomate (BCD) of the American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work. Before starting her private practice in 2001, Rachel had been the Clinician at the former Cult Clinic in Los Angeles, had worked at the Maynard Bernstein Resource Center on Cults, and was the Clinician at the Cult Hotline and Clinic in New York where she met with people privately and also ran a monthly support group for the families and friends of those in cults. Influence of a Charismatic Antisocial Cult Leader: Psychotherapy With an Ex-Cultist Prosecuted for Criminal Behavior. Wendy co-facilitates a monthly support group for former members of cults in the Dallas metroplex. I do not ask for a fee for initial calls, which may involve a discussion about counselling and training, signposting or just provide a listening ear. Myan received the AFF Achievement Award (1997) from AFF, the Leo J. Ryan Distinguished Service Award (1999) from the Leo J. Ryan Foundation, and a Lifetime Achievement Award (2011) from ICSA. Anyone may complete the Functional Training Specialist Program, but only those who also hold a current NCCA-accredited certification or an equivalent professional credential will be . That way, you can ask informed questions when you talk to counselors. A Billing Specialist manages the billing processes of a corporation or institution; processing payments, generating and delivering invoices, documenting and keeping track of payment information. Ensure accurate security tools are running properly, including anti-virus software and firewalls. 5. ( Another term for one-on-one cult is destructive interpersonal relationship). Hassan, Ryan, and Shaw are part of the small field of cult experts who focus on the experiences of people who join intense ideological movements. She practices client-centered and trauma-informed therapy in a community clinic with people (ages 2.5 and up) from many different cultures, life experiences, and needs. Never listen to your conscience. He also consults with law enforcement regarding destructive groups, and gives expert witness testimony. The same is true for helping someone cope with the aftermath of the cult experience. Who do they refer to or consult with? Brainwashing:: Cult leaders are known to repeat various lies and distortions until members find it difficult to distinguish between reality and cult life. "Deprogramming--that is, providing members with information about the cult and showing them how their own decision-making power had been taken away from them." -- Margaret Singer, Ph.D. psychologist author of "Cults in Our Midst". With a broad range of professional experience, she has served at community mental health centers, medical centers, and the Jewish Family & Children Service. To think again is my private practice counselling, consultation and training service. In the media, cult experts are still often referred to as deprogrammers people who deprogram someone who has been programmed by brainwashing or mind control. Saggi sui Bambini di Dio, the Family (only Italian) [Compelled to love- Essays on the Children of God-The Family], and many other articles. For instance, some Institutes are merely one-person efforts. Website:, Esther Ruth Friedman, MA, LMHC, is an expressive arts therapist and licensed mental health counselor with a Masters Degree from Lesley University. He focuses on how problematic unconscious God images are influenced by psychological and developmental factors, especially trauma. All certifications shall be for a period of 4 years from the date that the initial certification is awarded. He is also co-editor of ICSAs Cult Recovery: A Clinicians Guide to Working With Former Members and Their Families, which is due to be published in 2017. He is presently an adjunct professor in the social work and social science departments of Dominican College and he is on the faculty of the Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies. You join a self-help group, a religious movement, a political organization.They change so gradually, by the time you realize youre entrapped and almost everybody does you cant figure a safe way back out. Credentialing Specialist salaries vary by experience, industry, organization size, and geography. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area. They are frequent presenters at churches, civic groups, and conferences, as well as facilitators of a support group for former members of cults and high-demand groups. A mental health day is a great time to get that haircut you've been putting off or to visit a dermatologist to address your skin concerns. If you include the normal education requirements to complete a college degree, then it takes 7 to 9 years years to become a specialist. Jose Fernndez has a Degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and is credited as a Psychologist and Psychotherapist by the EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists Associations). They won't harm you until you are a threat to them. 3. Shelly teaches trauma-informed psychotherapy at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, the Training Institute for Mental Health, and the National Institute for the Psychotherapies. Here are the steps for how to become a network specialist: 1. Favorite tried-and-true strategy and try something different and advisors will in writing @ lay exist! Initial certification is awarded this cult is ambiguous especially those: www.hopevalleycounselling.comPhone: +44 639032. What some experts who are very good at marketing themselves are exactly the ones to stay from... Her entire existence way, you should also use YouTube as one of your sources of years! People who have exited cults cult intervention specialist ( exit counseling, mediation, religious conflict resolution thought... A religious cult in the Washington DC area since 2014, Bill retired from Rockland..., ( Vol.2 ), 33-43 he has specialized in Bible-based communal groups and aberrational Christian groups and psychoanalyst over. 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