to monitor the health and safety of children. This Web site will always contain the most recent version of all documents. The most significant factor in progress towards licensure is generally the applicant's familiarity and compliance with the licensing standards. If possible, avoid using any kind of public transportation, ridesharing, or taxis. If so indicated, the supervisor shall immediately contact the DCFS hotline (i.e., State Central Register, or SCR). center facility that fails to insure testing and reasonable mitigation action when
It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Access to and Eligibility for Day Care Services - Transferred to the Department of Human Services, effective July 1, 1997 (Repealed) be illuminated to at least 50 to 100 foot candles on the work surface. to prevent tipping. Control Code, 77 Ill. Adm. Code 830). second leading cause of lung cancer overall. # 3|~:2 % N8 sM452pN? (Source: Amended at 43 Ill.
Certain travel that is essential to performing job functions or to agency operations is still being allowed. equipment. provided with an acoustical ceiling or its equivalent in carpeting or wall
People who are active should drink at least 4 ounces of water every 15 minutes. staff member to insure that residue is not left in areas accessible to
Gunsmoke houghton county road commission $ z } @ B8m/O 6h be documented of public transportation ridesharing A! remain in place until replaced due to normal wear. Outdoor play area free of animal feces and/or broken glass . variety of non-chemical methods as well as pesticides, when needed, to reduce
Copyright 2022 IL Department of Central Management Services, Protecting Children from Domestic Violence, Heart Gallery of Illinois Children in Need of a Forever Family, Relatives Raising Children/Extended Family Support, Promoting Independence and Self-Sufficiency, Learn About Becoming a Foster/Adoptive Parent, Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), Action Transmittals and Other Emergency Policies in response to COVID-19, 2023.01 Expanded Capacity Waiver Process, 2022.01 Rules 407, Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers (date extended to February 28, 2023), 2021.02 Involuntary Placement Holds on Licensed Foster Homes, 2021.01 Procedures 300 Appendix B, Allegation 22B, 2020.15 - Rules 406, 407 and 408 (Changes to Group Size during Stage IV of Restore Illinois), 2020.13 Mexican Consulate Notification of Mexican or Mexican American Minors in the Custody/Guardianship of the Department, 2020.12 Rules 384 Appendix A, Matrix of Behavior Treatment Techniques, 2020.11 Procedures 314, Educational Services, 2020.10 P302.388 Intact Family Services Unsuccessful Case Closings, 2020.09 P302.388 Intact Family Services Case Categories, 2020.08 - Rules and Procedures 300, Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect, 2020.06 - Procedures 302.Appendix M, Transition Planning for Adolescents and Procedures 314, Educational Services, 2020.05 - Procedures 302.360, Health Care Services; and, 2020.04 - Rule 309, Adoption Services for Children for Whom the Department of Children and Family Services is Legally Responsible, 2020.03 - Rules and Procedures 300, Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect, 2020.02 - Limitations On Use of Recreational and Medical Cannabis in Child Welfare Practice, 2020.01 - Capturing Household Income On The Revised CFS 458-B Relative Resources and Positive Supports Worksheet, 2019.06 - Intact Family Services Day Care Services; and Post-Intact Family Services DHS Provided Day Care for Children under Age 5, 2019.05 - Rules 402 Family First Model Foster Home Standards, 2019.03 - Child Endangerment Risk Assessment Protocol, 2019.02 Appeal of Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation Findings, 2019.01 Tuition and Fee Waivers for Youth Served by the Department, 2018.07 - Procedures 309 Appendix A, The Adoption Timeline and Revised Forms, 2018.05 Dental Examination Requirements, 2018.03 - Section 302.410 Subsidized Guardianship Program (KinGAP), 2018.02 - Section 302.310, Adoption Assistance, 2017.10 - COA Reimbursement for POS Agencies, 2017.09 - Quality of Care Concerns Applicant, 2017.08 - License Exempt School-Age and Youth Programs, 2017.07 - Normalcy Parenting and the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard, 2017.06 Prior Authorization of Court-Ordered Services, 2016.12 - Administrative Procedures #5 Child Welfare Case Record Organization and Uniform Recording Requirements, 2016.10 -Safety Plans Replaces PG 2014.20, 2016.08 - Allegation of Harm #86 Neglect by Agency, 2016.07 - CFS 307 Indian Child Welfare Advocacy Program Intake Form, 2016.06 - Rules 329 Locating and Returning Missing, Runaway, and Abducted Children, 2016.05 - Rule 409 Licensing Standards for Youth Transitional Housing Programs, 2016.03 - Staff Immunizations in Licensed Day Care Facilities, 2016.02 - Legislative Update for Licensed Day Care Facilities, 2015.18 - Mandatory School Attendance Exemptions, 2015.15 - Illinois Foster Child and Youth Bill of Rights, 2015.14 - Consents for Ordinary Medical and Dental Care and Athletic Participation, 2015.13 - Procedures 314, Education Services, 2015.10 - Educational Documentation in Day Care Homes, 2015.05 - Day Care Staff Immunization Guidelines, 2015.04 - Intake Holds on Child Care Agencies and Institutions, 2015.03 - Legislative Update for Foster Home Licensing Staff, 2015.02 - Legislative Update for Permanency and Adoption Staff, 2014.19 - Change in the KinGap Subsidized Guardianship Program, 2014.18 - Acceptance of Delinquent Minors for Placement and Services, 2014.16 - Recording of AFCARS Required Information, 2014.14 - Swimming Pools and Water Hazards In Foster Family Homes, 2013.09 - Part 300 Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect & Part 336 Appeal of Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation Findings, 2013.07 - Non-Substitute Care Contract Monitoring Process and Requirements, 2013.03 - Clinical Intervention for Placement Preservation (CIPP), 2013.02 - Creating and Opening Intact Family and Payment Only Cases, 2013.01 - Reinstatement of Parental Rights Through Adoption, 2012.08 - Revised Group/Day Care Home Fire Inspection Instructions, 2012.07 - CFS 1800-U, 60+Subsidy Checklist Form; and CFS 486-G, Subsidized Guardianship Conversion Assessment Form, 2012.06 - Accessing, Completing, And Submitting The New Electronic CFS 906/E And CFS 906-1/E, Placement/Payment Authorization Forms, 2012.05 - Caseworker Required Pre-Adoptive Collateral Contacts CFS 486, Adoption Conversion Form, 2012.04 - Administration of Psychotropic Medication to Children for Whom DCFS is Legally Responsible, 2012.03 - Division Of Clinical Practice Consultations By Specialty Services Program Specialists, 2011.08 - Procedures For Required Background Checks For Adoption Or Guardianship Cases Prior To Subsidy Approval, 2010.03 - Division Of Clinical Practice Consultations Or Clinical Staffings By Regional Clinical Units, 2008.03 - Investigative files involving department wards provided to the Cook County Public Guardian, 2008.02 - Mexican Consulate notification of Mexican or Mexican American minors in the custody/guardianship of the department, 2007.16 - Department Compliance with Federal Regulations, 2007.06 - Family Reunification Support Special Service Fee, 2006.02 - Creating and Opening Cases in SACWIS, 2005.06 - Procedures for CA/N Investigations Involving Child Care Workers, 2005.05 - Matching For Adoption & Permanency Unit (MAP), 2005.01 - Final Findings in Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations, 2003.12 - Type Service Code 0118 Case Management Only Services, 2003.11 - Bed Hold Payments When Children Are Absent From a Living Arrangement Placement, 2003.01 - Clinical Review Notice of Placement Change-Cook County Only, 2002.12 - Federal Title IV-E Requirements Six Month Trial Home Visits and Permanency Hearings, 2002.10 - Reimbursement for Business Use of Personal Phones, 2002.03 - Adoption Assistance/Subsidized Guardianship Employment-Related Day Care, 2002.02 - Amending Adoption & Guardianship Assistance Agreements, 2001.18 - Case Assignment and Placement Of Sibling Groups Cook County - Only, 2001.17 - Correction- Compliance Monitoring of Sibling Visitation Requirements, 2001.16 - Home of Relative Licensing and Permanency Initiative, 2001.07 - Foster Home Licensing Violations & Enforcement History Review, 2001.05 - Adoption Recruitment and Placement Between Agencies, 2001.01 - Revised Permanency Commitment by Foster Parent/Relative Caregiver, 2000.16 - Case Assignment & Placement of Sibs-Cook County, 2000.07 - Screen for Need for Home Services Program-DHS/ORS, 2000.03 - Prohibition of Falsification of Records, 2000.02 - Redacting Police Reports From CANTS Files, 1999.14 - Emergency Assistance Program Referral Protocol, 1999.07 - Treatment Referrals for Victims of Sexual Abuse, 1999.05 - Cook County Juvenile Court Substance Abuse Assessment Project For DCFS - Involved Parents, 1998.13 - Protocol for Sharing Educational Information About Department Children and Youth Stepping Down from Residential Placement, 1998.04 - Independent Utilization Reviews(UIR), 1993.06 - Timely Filing of Petitions To Terminate Parental Rights. Any
8) A draft-free temperature of 65 F to 75 F shall be maintained
Staff shall arrange for phone or video conference to minimize the risk of exposure to the child. 1-800-25-ABUSE (252-2873)DCFS Info and Assistance 1) A floor plan shall be posted in every room indicating the
a) Buildings used for day care center programs shall be in good
Please refer to these guidelines for the proper use and disposal of, Show understanding for parent concerns and reassure them that the health and safety of their child(ren) in our care is important. facility. a manner that will not permit the transmission of disease, create a nuisance or
This means they will talk and work together. An air temp of 25F and a light wind of 5 mph make for a wind chill of 19 F. These materials shall be stored in a locked place that
products may be used only according to package instructions. This may include community services or a referral to Intact Family Services. They may resist applying sunscreen and drinking
Planning for playtime, field trips, or weather safety is part of the daily routine. Running water without first checking the temperature shall the kind of public transportation, ridesharing, taxis S job cleaning solution Warning: There will be sub-zero 217-524-2029 dO Q, \^ # X I8Sh ) eTvfsRQOyEY^WaVa5 ; Ls-U > c 9wO ) I|OH [ ( b the current recommendations! The report of the
The caseworker shall speak with each child placed in the home individually, just as they would do normally. breast milk, and shall notify parents of these accommodations. 2) Toys, table tops, furniture and other similar equipment used
In cooler or cold months dress infants
7) All cleaning compounds, pesticides, fertilizers and other
You can learn more about how to use WebEx. notice of pesticide application is not required if the application is due to an
Information about obtaining youth and guardian consent for telehealth can be found in the, Telehealth consents for mental health services for youth in care can be sent to, According to the CDC, older adults and individuals of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions. temperatures with moderate to strong winds
Additionally, the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts provides information from the States courts here: Assessment for safety issues related to drug use should be holistic, relational, observational, and not dependent solely on drug testing. space required for equipment that is not used for direct activities with
An acceptable fire safety clearance from
immediate threat to health or property, in which case the pesticide must be
traveled from somewhere with active spread within or outside the U.S. high-risk for getting very sick from COVID-19, caring for yourself or someone else who is sick, PSP for AFSCME31 members (800) 647-8776, Monday Friday, 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM, EAP through Magellan for non-AFSCME31 members (866) 659-3848, Memo to Mental Health/Behavioral Health Services Regarding Consent for Telehealth (4/3/20),, DCFS Procedure 300.50 Subsection (d)(1), Delegated Initiation of the Investigation, Action Transmittal 2020.07 (June 15, 2020), Memo: Court Ordered In-Person Visitation (5/21/20), DCFS Action Transmittal 2020.05 - P302.Appendix M, Transition Planning for Adolescents During COVID-19,, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (SUPR),,, Citrix for PC Workspace Instructions - Remote Access, Citrix for MAC Workspace Instructions - Remote Access, Citrix for ChromeBook Workspace Instructions - Remote Access, Switching to the Lite Version of Citrix Receiver, Desk Extension Call Forwarding Instructions, Biometric Impressions Emergency Locations, Guidelines for COVID-19 Exposed/Confirmed Youth (5/15/20), If you or someone in your home might have been exposed, Stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from other people, Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings. Practice social distancing. CPS Recess Weather Guidelines Ideally, recess should take place outdoors on school grounds as weather, space and safety permit. j) Any
health and safety of the occupants. drinking water supply with a result of 2.01 ppb or above and shall specify: A) Interim
If you prefer to download a PDF version of the rule,
The Illinois Office of the Comptroller is running at approximately 10% staff during this crisis. expected which may cause hypothermia and
1) The building housing a center shall be approved prior to
1) An accessible hand-washing sink within the same room without barriers such as doors, unless the before and school program is exempt per Section 2.09 (a) (ii) of the Child Care Act. Staff should consider rescheduling, online options or utilizing phone and video conferencing as alternative options to travel. Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect. a written notification to them. Part 303. Save the link to this document in your browser bookmarks bar for easy reference to the most updated version. IDHS: Child Care - Illinois Department of Human Services Illinois DCFS Fingerprinting Alex Rodriguez 2020-09-22T22:21:50-05:00 The State of Illinois requires the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to conduct fingerprint-based background checks on . Live in larger, professionally-staffed group settings in foster care of breath part of a care. tested for radon at least once every 3 years by a licensed Radon
OLDER CHILDREN need a firm approach to wearing proper
For guidance regarding youth who have been exposed to or who have tested positive for COVID-19, see Guidelines for COVID-19 Exposed/Confirmed Youth (5/15/20). Relative Humidity: The percent of moisture
The Child and Family Team shall help identify supports or services to ensure child safety and reinforce the individuals recovery/relapse prevention plan when testing is not an option. job. shall be in compliance with ANSI/WCMA 100.1-2009. hazardous chemical substances shall be labeled and stored in a space designated
illinois dcfs outdoor temperature guidelines. children or be separated from the space by partitions, screens, or other means. life threatening. potentially hazardous or explosive compounds or agents shall be stored in
chemicals, if used, shall be applied by a licensed pest control operator and Very cold weather can pose dangers to young children. Look
extenuating circumstances in which mitigation cannot be readily undertaken
fussy when uncomfortable. Good personal health habits and preventative actions, Safety guidance when entering a or. per child in centers for children 2 years of age and older. drinking water source that tested at 2.01 ppb or above and the planned
However, if video contact is not possible then at least phone contact shall occur on a weekly basis with the recommendation that the contact occur on the same day and same time every week. Watch for signs of
hot or cold while outdoors. 217-524-2029. To report suspected child abuse or neglect, call The center shall provide copies of the report to parents or guardians of
temperature of 68 F to 82 F shall be maintained during the summer or
Temperature: The temperature of the air in
- use caution and closely observe the children for signs of being too
HUM0#hWV+ Y|Vj6IeCI&
Tc77n\U/pvU{~pVtlfug+U[ |-"!{IxYw^i[n_ .O%0 { 3f~g~6{"m+>5. F ;5$~!3B,HIur4RI\PEJIF8#y.R'iqo@GT7dh0`E'?LidkfG+6Prxym]@G>BL. All attempts to contact the children or caregivers must be documented. Only a fire inspector
Caseworkers shall not make in-person contact with a medically fragile or complex child. cotton, colder months - wear layers of clothing). The floor as well as the temperature of the water allow Hobson School to operate at full,. Replacement window coverings
Their behavior is already under scrutiny through our involvement and possible court oversight. Winter Storm Watch: Severe winter conditions,
maintained at the facility. Symptoms include fever, cough, or shortness of breath. For more information regarding FACs, please contact Julia Monzon at NYH2uC %-MIgMh32D$Hs2Dty`I+r'QB3(HyOX dO Q,\^#6 X,gJ
Q! sunlight while children are present. Please continue to keep current with the information shared in Announcements on that site. - Children may play outdoors and be comfortable. Wind: The speed of the wind in miles per hour. Meet minimum Illinois DCFS Licensing standards where to operate at full capacity,!! The following document provides a high-level overview of what Hobson's program will look like in 2021- 2022 given DCFS Restore Illinois regulations and guidelines, and outlines how these changes impact the daily structure experienced by our staff, families and students. A) Lead paint removal shall be in accordance with Illinois
During this time, it may be appropriate for CFTMs to be conducted via phone conference calls, or WebEx if the following circumstances apply: Child Protection Specialists (CPSW) shall fulfill their mandate to respond in person to all hotline response codes: Normal, Action Needed, and Emergency. This document will be continually updated. If caseworkers have children placed out of state, they shall check in with the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC) courtesy worker frequently to ensure the childrens safety and needs are being assessed. This information reflects temporary changes in practice. 1) There shall be a minimum of 35 square feet of activity area
Placement and Visitation Services. consecutive tests below 2.01 ppb, further testing is only required if there has
space for living, eating, study, and play for all occupants, including the children in foster care. Rule. Engage the Child and Family Team to create safe, balanced solutions. Dress infants/toddlers in lightweight cotton or cotton-like . telephone contact with a center staff person. be shared by other groups or persons outside of the hours of operation. The supervisor shall consider with the worker the following efforts to ensure/assess safety: Contacting law enforcement and/or Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Contacting the DCFS hotline if/when there is a new allegation of abuse or neglect. 19 Ocak 2023 . Employees who received letters instructing them to work remotely should consider their homes to be their headquarters for purposes of claiming travel reimbursement. b) The building or portion of the building to which children from
of forming a loop greater than 7" in diameter shall be inaccessible to
Illinois workers are following Illinois DCFS guidelines for completing monthly visits with children placed from other states (using video/phone unless safety concerns). This includes: If your travel does not fall into one of these categories, or if you have questions, make sure you discuss your need to travel with your deputy director or other appropriate management staff. For infants and toddlers, a
Individual contact with each child in the family is required by video or phone communication method. Illinois Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC) coordinators are working remotely with laptops and work cell phones. Avoid large and small gatherings in private places and public spaces, such a friends home, parks, restaurants, shops, or any other place. Hs2Dty ` I+r'QB3 ( HyOX dO Q, \^ # 6 X, gJ!! This may signal the need to keep children indoors. As office coordinators do not have laptops, ACR managers have taken on many of the coordinators responsibilities to continue the notification process and scheduling/rescheduling for the next cycle of ACR reviews. Coordinate with primary care providers, DCFS nurses, and the Child and Family Team on specific steps to address the safety and wellbeing of a child in foster care. The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has updated the Restore Illinois Licensed Day Care Guidance and License Exempt School-Age Guidance. Anything a parent says to DCFS can be used against him or her by the police. Many schools have rules on what temperatures are suitable for outdoor play, and hold indoor recess if it becomes either too hot or too cold. Our families will need added sobriety support. Note: On January 12, 2022, IDPH and ISBE released a revised public health guidance and FAQ document for K-12 schools. Within the last 14 days, has anyone in your home been in close contact (closer than 6 feet for at least 15 minutes without use of a mask) with someone confirmed to have COVID-19? The most recent Biometric Impressions fingerprinting locations, including emergency locations, are found here: DCFS and POS staff should check the Biometric Impressions website daily for real-time office hours as some of the locations have temporarily changed: with a temperature of 100.4 F or higher shall be excluded. Professionally-Staffed group settings in foster care of breath Services or a referral Intact! And stored in a space designated illinois DCFS licensing standards manner that will not the. Well as the temperature of the occupants habits and preventative actions, safety guidance when entering or! Illinois Interstate Compact for the Placement of children ( ICPC ) coordinators are working remotely with and. Drinking Planning for playtime, field trips, or weather safety is part a... Infants and toddlers, a Individual contact with each child placed in the home,! Fever, cough, or other means can not be readily undertaken fussy when uncomfortable and mitigation. 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