Bias: Left-Center The controversy over leaked assessments of the economic damage of Brexit has deepened after a right-leaning think-tank was forced to deny it told ministers that supposedly independent civil service studies on the matter were deliberately skewed. For its part, the European Commission has identified a small number of technologies it believes will prove strategically important in the future, and where the EU is behind or risks falling behind the US and China. Globalisation has proved resilient to other recent challenges too. In this years final episode of the Centre for European Reform podcast, our researchers unpack the most significant event of the past year, Russias war on Ukraine. Increasing the retirement age remains, however, politically very sensitive both in Europe and in China. Centre for European Reform in Moses Lake, WA Expand search. "How migration became a weapon in a 'hybrid war', "Europe Tries To Cut Migrant Air Routes From Middle East To Belarus Amid Border Crisis", "Franco-British feuding thwarts Channel migrant response", "EU tactics contributed to UK's hardline stance, says former May aide", "2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report",, This page was last edited on 12 July 2022, at 06:12. Join our mailing list. In this years final episode of the CER podcast, our researchers unpack the most significant event of the past year, Russias war on Ukraine. The CER is pro-European but not uncritical. There were disagreements on the role of fiscal policy, however. There have been shared problems, including disruptions in supply chains and a rapid shift in demand from goods to services as pandemic restrictions loosened, with supply struggling to catch up. The CER won best UK international affairs think-tank at the Prospect Think Tank Awards 2013. In these rapidly changing political times,the experts at the CER provide the high qualityanalysis and intelligence on some of the mosttopical issues of interest today. How will Europe cope without Russian gas? The Centre for European Reform is an award winning independent think-tank devoted to making the EU work better, and strengthening its role in the world. Most future growth in the working age population will take place in Africa, which, however, is much less integrated into the global economy and will therefore not have the same disinflationary effect. The CER aims to promote an open, outward-looking and effective European Union. "The Centre for European Reform, by far the best of all EU think-tanks in London"The Guardian, "A think-tank that manages to be both Atlanticist and Europhile" The Economist, "A think-tank with an increasingly influential role in the shaping of official policy" Financial Times, "Like many people I am bombarded with information on a daily, basis about Europe. There are always pressures to spend more on public sector wages, while the reform of health and social care services, and pensions, is difficult. Labour force participation among older workers has risen in the past 15 years, a trend that could mitigate labour scarcity if supported by appropriate policies. It raises the cost of traded products and reduces economic growth. A more promising avenue is for the Union to borrow to invest in European public goods energy interconnections between member-states, energy storage, hydrogen, defence, and support for Ukraine and other foreign policy and defence goals. With Chinas working population peaking, disinflationary demographics might also be at an inflection point. Itspublications, podcasts and meetings in Brussels,London and other capitals provide essentialfood for thought for all serious observers of theEuropean scene.Sir Nigel Sheinwald Former British Ambassador to The United States and European Union, Over the years the CER has done a superb jobin putting forward the best analysis not only onthe continuing drama of the United Kingdomsplace in Europe, but also on where the policies ofthe EU are heading. We regard European integration as largely beneficial but recognise that in many respects the Union does not work well. Investment in the intangible economy is harder than in physical capital, because it is difficult to offer an intangible investment as a security for borrowing. John also discusses the methodology behind his findings and responds to criticisms of his analysis. But in doing so, the ECB might inadvertently kill off demand, which has been much less strong than in the US, condemning the eurozone to a bad economic equilibrium with unnecessarily high unemployment. Their rapid tightening will only work its way through the economy with a significant lag, by which time supply chains may have normalised and a wage-price spiral may not have materialised. This button displays the currently selected search type. Gas consumption is down, with industry rapidly switching to alternative fuel sources. Officials, on the other hand, pointed out that history told us that the only way to generate significant additional revenue was to raise tax rates on labour and corporate income, and on expenditure. Climate change is another example where global co-operation will prove more effective and less economically harmful than unilateral efforts. This is a good tactic, but not a sustainable strategy in the long-term. The case for other goods was weaker. Search through our research. In combination with expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, the US has experienced a cyclical overheating of the American economy. Poorly designed price controls encouraged people to consume energy; it would be better to target support on poorer households, preferably in the form of cash transfers rather than price interventions. Winner of the Prospect 2015 Think Tank of the Year Award - UK International Affairs, Brexit slammed the UK economy. In November, the CER held its annual economics conference on the macroeconomic consequences of the pandemic and Putins invasion of Ukraine. While inflation has surged across the United States, the United Kingdom and the euro area, the underlying dynamics differ across the jurisdictions. The Center for European Policy Analysis is currently pending or under review. The CER playsa unique role, undertaking thinking on areascovered by no one else; this knowledge helpssupport the CBIs work representing UK businesseson national and international issues.Carolyn Fairbairn, CBI director-general, At a moment when tempers are risingdangerously and the European Union finds itselfat the heart of the national slanging match, theCER is one think-tank that is providing cogencyand clarity amid all the shouting it will beneeded more than ever in the coming years,whatever the outcome of Brexit.Peter Foster, Europe Editor, The Telegraph, Publications, research projects, news & events. BARCELONA, March 1 Netflix co-chief Greg Peters has dismissed a call by European network operators for a levy on major online services, reported German Press Agency. Europe needs a new strategy. It is probably too controversial to give the EU a role in macroeconomic stabilisation through cyclical tax and spending. We regard . Most of our events are by invitation only and off the record, to ensure a high level of debate. Broadly speaking, academic participants stressed that governments should improve the efficiency of taxation as they raised the tax take. Economic crises are happening more often. But this is mainly due to the revenues generated by high energy prices and import compression. Without those things, it is unlikely that Western companies would invest in Africa in the same way they have donein China. I always make time to read CER analysis as I know it will be thoughtful, illuminating and accurate. As with NGEU, the Commission would assess these plans according to how well they tackled problems that were identified in its country-specific recommendations. Media Bias Fact Check offers a number of sustaining Ad-Free membership plans to fit your budget! We did not find evidence of publication bias at other treatment durations; however, the numbers of trials in these analyses were small, and we may have lacked power to detect significant bias. Watch the video of the event here. The Centre for European Reform is a think-tank devoted to making the European Union work better and strengthening its role in the world. The Centre for European Reform is an award winning independent think-tank devoted to making the EU work better, and strengthening its role in the world. The costs of installing renewables, including wind, solar and batteries, continue to fall, providing a strong tailwind to Europes green ambitions. The CER won the think-tank of the year award at the Prospect Think Tank Awards 2018. Brexit and the Australia deal is bad for British farming so why didn't any Ministers intervene? Apart from Russia, Europe is a resource-poor continent. These fields, like other digital markets, are likely to be dominated by one or two players who can build scale quickly. 59,60 When publication bias is present, measures of treatment effect may be upwardly biased. Funding. Ouimais ce nest pas une raison pour le faire, The impact of the war in Ukraine: Annual report 2022. At the global level, one key bottleneck to the green transition is rare earth materials. CER was founded in 1996. A Brussels-based think-tank and lobby operation which was established originally as the privately owned lobby firms: Bemont European Community Law Office, and Belmont European Policy Centre. That meant that central banks had to push up interest rates further. One example is the recent OECD-brokered agreement on global corporate tax reform, which almost all countries see as a positive development to address the harm caused by tax havens, a problem which even economically powerful countries have been unable to tackle effectively on their own. Daily Source Bias Check: Laredo Morning Times, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 03/01/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Lozier Institute, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/28/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. Emmanuel Macron set out his vision for a 'European Political Community' in a speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on May 9th. Olesya, Richard and Ian agreed that Britain could be providing military support more effectively and that there should be no impunity for Russian war criminals.Produced by Helmi Pillai and Octavia HughesMusic by Edward Hipkins, Ask CER - Episode 8: Inflation Reduction Act, Qatargate and Iran, In this weeks episode of the Centre for European Reform podcast, we answer questions you have sent to us. We regard European integration as largely beneficial but recognise that in many respects the Union does not work well. He [Jeremy Hunt]cannot do much about the loss of European Union workers, estimatedby the Centre for European Reform to be 330,000, but he will hope to address the loss of older workers, apparentlylured away from the labour market and into early retirement. Last month, Turkey threatened to block Swedens NATO membership, while indicating its support for Finlands accession to the alliance. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. This would reduce investment in content, make internet contracts less attractive and ultimately harm consumers, Peters said yesterday at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The EU is pursuing a trade agenda that seeks to penalise imports from countries that damage the environment, violate labour and human rights, or compete in ways the EU considers unfair. The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have been faster to raise interest rates, in part because there has been more rapid core inflation in the US and the UK. Another is the shift from a unipolar to a multipolar international order, which means that the US is more eager to focus on its relative advantages over other powers, rather than absolute gains for the global economy. It effortless combines the authority it has earned since its creation with a dynamism and freshness exemplified by its young, talented and multinational team of firstrate analysts.Paul Adamson, Chairman, Forum Europe, The thoroughness and fairness of the CERs analysis marks it out from so many other contemporary commentaries. But it increasingly looks like Europe can manage without Russian gas. The CER brings together people from the worlds of politics and business through its events. The CER is an independent, private not-for-profit organisation with offices in London, Brussels and Berlin. These countries concerns are not irrational. Investment in training has been dwindling. Winner of the Prospect 2015 Think Tank of the Year Award - UK International Affairs. Zach Meyers, senior research fellow, shares his views on the technological aspects of the war. These decisions are often driven by a combination of national security concerns, corporate interests and other political considerations, such as labour union pressure. In this vein, one panellist pointed to the end of the pre-pandemic era in which the ECBs policy was obvious: a loose monetary stance was needed when there was low inflation, an economy with room to grow and the need to stabilise the monetary union. However, some discussants also thought attempts to limit decoupling to a few strategic sectors might prove impossible in practice, and could instead lead to spill-overs into other sectors, creating much larger economic costs. The CER is an award winning think-tank devoted to making the EU work better, and strengthening its role in the world. The breakdown of the energy relationship between Russia and the EU means Europe cannot pursue a comparative advantage in energy-intensive industries, at least not until renewable energy has expanded to the point where energy becomes extremely cheap. Some fretted that these dynamics might give rise to a situation of financial or fiscal dominance, in which central banks saw themselves forced to pursue a looser stance to avoid instability in the financial sector or bond markets. The CER is pro-European but not uncritical. If Turkey continues to block Swedish membership, Finland should join NATO alone. Opinion piece (The Spectator) Charles Grant. Simply indispensable.Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister, Sweden, I have been reading the CERs papers regularlyfor many years. Soon afterBoris Johnson struck a deal with the EU in October2019on the Withdrawal Agreement, including the Northern Ireland protocol, the British governmentdemanded changes to the Protocol. Through cutting-edge research, analysis, and programs we provide fresh insight on energy, security, and defense to government officials and agencies; we help transatlantic businesses navigate changing strategic landscapes; and we build networks of future Atlanticist leaders. Finally, discussants agreed that there were important areas where re-globalisation or at least a much more energised multilateral order was essential to address global issues. Any other use requires the prior written permission of the Centre for European Reform. The CER aims to promote an open, outward-looking and effective European Union. In the medium term, Covid may accelerate the globalisation of services trade, by proving that more services can be delivered remotely. In 2004 he became a chevalier of Frances Ordre Nationale du Mrite, and in 2013 a Companion of St Michael and St George (CMG) "for services to European and wider international policy-making". Others at the table, however, outlined factors that made such an outcome unlikely. What are the reasons for the differences in core inflation between continental Europe and the UK and the US, and should their monetary policies differ? Ditchley conference report: Macroeconomics in a time of pandemic and war John Springford, Elisabetta Cornago, Zach Meyers, Sander Tordoir 24 February 2023 With Lars Danielsson, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the EU, Speakers included: Agns Bnassy-Qur, Marco Buti, Benot Cur, Swati Dhingra, Clare Lombardelli and Martin Sandbu, With Klaus Welle, Secretary-General, European Parliament, With David Lammy, Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Affairs, UK, Winner of the Prospect 2015 Think Tank of the Year Award - UK International Affairs. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ad-Free Login Government support for investment in energy efficiency and the green transition is therefore paramount. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Charles Grant and his team cut through the hyperboleand political bias that surround their subject, and help me to understand the issues. We are pro-European but not uncritical. It can either help to contain inflation by lowering inflation expectations and moderating wage demands, or add fuel to the fire by further stimulating demand, especially where ill-designed policies subsidise energy consumption instead of encouraging energy savings. In response, the ECB could pursue a policy of cautious hawkishness in the form of increasing interest rates whilst playing a smart communication game to encourage wage and price moderation. Bruegel Annual Meetings 2016, 6-7 September. Publications, research projects, news & events. Texas Legislative Issues 2023 Energy, Rene Cross and Mark Jones, Hobby School of Public Affairs, University of Houston. Its second-round effects, with wages rising to compensate for the cost of living, mean the ECB will continue to overshoot its target in 2023. We also think that the EU should take on more responsibilities globally, on issues ranging from climate change to security. The CERs experts analyse the impact of the war thus far and share their predictions for 2023. For some participants, this means that governments and central banks should do much more to use their balance sheets to reduce the cost of capital for green investment. But for the same reason, there is also a risk that central banks will do too little. However, while the pace of globalisation is slowing, deglobalisation has not occurred to any great extent. You may not copy, reproduce, republish or circulate in any way the content from this publication except for your own personal and non-commercial use.Any other use requires the prior written permission of the Centre for European Reform. Several participants pointed out, however, that member-states are unlikely to give up their national energy prerogatives. We regard European integration as largely benecial but recognise that in many respects the Union does not work well. There was broad agreement that the EU should have a bigger fiscal capacity. Charles Grant is director of the Centre for European Reform (CER). Others argued that, with European economies on the brink of recession, and given the fact that changes in monetary policy take time to have an effect, there was a risk that central banks would raise unemployment too far if they did not stop tightening. The second political project is transforming Europes industrial structure. The CER's annual report starts with an essay on how the war in Ukraine is changing Europe. Centre for European Reform | 5,750 followers on LinkedIn. The participants in the 2022 conference are listed at the back of this report. Nationalist economic policies like Brexit pose long-term problems for the countries that pursue them: UK services trade is lagging, and goods trade with the EU has never recovered from Brexit. The CER is pro-European but not uncritical. Perhaps, as societies age, younger workers would become more organised in demanding that older, wealthier people contributed more. Some EU countries want to stifle foreign cloud computing services. This seems fundamentally incompatible with the overall political aim of an EU single market for energy. We regard European integration as largely beneficial but recognise that in many respects the Union does not work well. Some discussants thought that important sectors had been neglected by Western governments. Are we entering a new world of higher inflation and interest rates, or should we expect a return to the macroeconomics of the 2010s? How should governments fund the pressures for spending through cuts to other spending lines, higher taxation or more borrowing? May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN REFORM 1 LONDON BRUSSELS BERLIN HYBRID DISCUSSION ON 'EU-US CO-OPERATION ON PUBLIC HEALTH' with Pierre Delsaux and Gary Disbrow 13 JULY 2022, BRUSSELS/ZOOM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING THIS EVENT PLEASE EMAIL: BRUSSELS@CER.EU OR REGISTER VIA THE LINK BELOW.' . Central banks need to be convinced that lower rates for green assets will serve their price stability objective. There was broad consensus at the conference that the pace of globalisation has slowed markedly. Elisabetta Cornago, senior research fellow, explains how the war has affected energy policy. I regularly draw on CER notes and papers for my own work. In this environment, the risk of one of the major central banks making a policy mistake is high. We are not affiliated with any government, political party or European institution. We regard European integration as largely beneficial but recognise that in many respects the Union does not work well. I think it would be quite extraordinary if it turned out that such a thing had happened. The UK was also a special case: since Brexit, labour scarcity has already made public opinion more favourable to immigration. Furlough schemes kept workers attached to firms, preventing the scars that unemployment would have caused once the crisis passed. In the UK, pandemic- and Brexit-induced hits to labour supply have temporarily increased the bargaining power of workers, but other signs indicate that in the longer term labour power will continue to be weak. In this respect, getting rid of national vetoes on building cross-border interconnectors would help. Both the Covid and energy crises prompted governments to conduct emergency spending to prop up household incomes, first, through furlough schemes, and then through energy price controls. Firms in some countries have coped better than others: to some extent this is a legacy of the global financial and euro crises, which led to diverging financing conditions for firms across Europe. Session 4: What are the economic consequences of energy independence from Russia? Alemania, Rusia y Ucrania: de punto de inflexin a ignorar lo esencial, CER Bulletin - 25th Anniversary Edition: Issue 148 - February/March 2023, 25 years on, the CER is more necessary than ever, Brexit slammed the UK economy. Search form. He is a vice chairman of Business for New Europe. Filtered Search, Enter your email address to subscribe to MBFC and receive notifications of new posts by email. Should the EU exempt energy investment from its fiscal rules, or create more central funds to help accelerate the transition? On the one hand, its economic impact is unequivocally negative. Energy remains a national competence, with EU member-states determining their own energy mix. About Page: The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)s mission is to ensure a strong and enduring transatlantic alliance rooted in democratic values and principles with strategic vision, foresight, and policy impact. Restrictive urban planning is a particular problem, because it keeps clusters of businesses and cities small, making the sharing of knowledge harder. Technology also tends to make markets more concentrated, and limited diffusion of new technology across firms can further erode workers bargaining power. "Anthony Gardner, Senior counsel, Sidley Austin LLP & senior adviser, Brunswick Global, Now in its third decade the Centre for European Reform has played an unparalled role in informing the debate on the European Union and its direction of travel. Central banking is exceptionally difficult at the moment. A big short-term priority for governments is to ease the adjustment that the energy crisis necessitates. Centre for European Reform | 5,777 followers on LinkedIn. Rather than deglobalisation, the world might instead be seeing a reconfiguration of globalisation. With very high headline inflation, and core inflation above target, the European Central Bank (ECB) is tightening monetary policy rapidly. Copyright is held by the Centre for European Reform. Session 1: How should monetary policy respond to shocks to supply? This apparently showed that the economic benefits of the UK forging FTAs with third countries outside the EU were significantly less than the economic costs of leaving the customs union, he said. Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, says Putin can afford to ignore these distant protests.Putin cares about what happens in Moscow and St Petersburg everywhere else you can deal with it through a combination of bribery and coercion, he said. 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